(Vol. 1) Beacon Days

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AN: hey guys it's a me again.

Before We start I just want to ask, are you enjoying this story?

If you are please give me some feedback I really appreciate it! >~<

Also I apologise for not updating for nearly a week now. I just got Ghost of tsushima as a present and I'm currently going addict on it (srly tho I ned hlp). I've been sleeping like twice per week now, I think I might have a problem........

Also I would like you to know that this story is inspired by another story named "A Wizard's Game" this story was SO GOOD it's kind of sad that the author Discontinued the work. I loved that story because it delve into some VERY deep topics like "What really is Good and Evil?, Morality, Will you sacrifice one for the many or many for one?, family, Weak and strong Will, influence, loss, grief, redemption, reconciliation, power, consequences, Manipulation, Perspective, Alternate Universe, crime, cruelty, rape, Murder, Reality, "THE REAL COLD AND CRUEL WORLD", etc..."

Ruby murdered someone in this story (just sayin)

I really love books that makes me question my beliefs (not religion). I love those books that make me question my Morality, alter my perspective on Good and Evil, change my perspective on the world, give me insight that Reflect on my real life.

Let me tell you "A Wizard's Game" is one of those books and I will try my best to make this story as good as that one

To produce a story with the same or greater quality of "A Wizard's Game" is my goal XD

Anyways lets get started.....
||||||||||||\\ Vol. 1 Beacon Days //|||||||||||||||

"I can't believe my baby brother and my baby sister are going to beacon with me!" Yang yelled as she embraced us in a bone crushing hug,

(Y/n): "Yang!....." I tried to reason but Yang replied by pushing me deeper into her breasts

Ruby: "Yang....can't..Breathe!" She said as she tried to break free from yang

Yang realised that she was strangling us so she immediately let us go and furiously apologised. We were currently on a airship heading directly for beacon, now you might think hey isn't that awesome! Well it's not. Because of that stupid Ozpin I had to leave my friends not to mention give up my freedom! I swear when the opportunity present itself I'm going to fart in his coffee.

Yang: "I'm sorry!...." she started
Yang: "But come on guys! We're going to beacon together how cool is that! Not to mention you two took on two of the most dangerous people on remnant right now!" She yelled grabbing the attention of a few of the fellow 'Huntsman-in-training'

Ruby: "Come on Yang It's not that impressive. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time." She said

Yang: "Oh come on Ruby don't you want the glamour, the fame. Imagine the headline 'The crimson reaper stops criminal mastermind!' Won't that be great?" She said while doing jazz hands emphasising the 'Headline'

Ruby: "No Yang. I didn't want to be a huntress because of fame, I want to become a huntress so that there would be someone to protect those who cannot protect themselves" she said earning the admiration of the few students within earshot

Yang: "Aww.....My little sister is so CUTE T-T" she said with fake tears
Yang: "How about you little (Y/n), fame, glory. Does that entice you?" She asked

(Y/n): "No." I said flatly

Yang: "Aww...why not though?" She asked eager to hear my answer

(Y/n): "well Yang.... To me fame and glory is the most useless thing in the world" I said earning a cocked eyebrow
(Y/n): "Look at it this way. In a fight will fame block an enemy attack? Will glory stop you from dying?" I asked as I looked directly unto her eyes

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