(Vol. 0) Responsibilities of the Eldest Sibling (short)

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(A/n): "Hey guys hope you don't mind the (shorts) mini series, It's just a filler of sorts while I fix my thoughts and gather ideas Like "where do I want this story to go", "interesting characters", character development", those sorts of things

Anyways enjoy,

||||Vol.0 start||||||

*Time Skip: Location: Patch, Age: (Y/n)-14, Ruby-14, Yang-16)

(Y/n)'s POV
I am chilling in the house right now watching T.V with Zwei since everyone exempt me had plans for today, I was lucky enough that Zwei wanted to hangout with me oh what a good boi he is. It was relatively boring since nothing much is going on....oh yeah before I forget to tell you me and my sisters actually won a few Vale tournaments and made names for ourselves, I was nicknamed "The Silver Sword Saint" Ruby's is "The Crimson Reaper" and Yang was given the Title of "Young Sun Dragon". Although it felt nice having won those tournaments I didn't like the attention it brought us, people started comparing us to Mistral's Pyrrha Nikos the "Invincible Girl" some actually made petitions to organise a mock battle between us. It's pretty stupid that they're putting us in a pedestal like we were some messiah when in reality if you worked hard enough you could reach the position we were in.

(Y/n): "*sigh* another boring day eh Zwei?"

Zwei: "Bark (ikr)"

(Y/n): "Hmm...Strange, you only bark yet I can understand you"

Zwei: *shrugs*

We stared back into the T.V in hopes to alleviate some of the boredom we were currently suffering from well at least until my scroll rung. I fished my scroll out of my pockets and saw who was calling me 'Whitley?' I thought confused, 'why is he calling?' I contemplated before finally answering.

Whitley: "Hello, (y/n)?" He asked his voice sounded a bit down

(Y/n): "Hey bro What's with the sudden call? Miss me or something?" I joked trying to lighten his mood only to be met with silence, although I did hear a shuffling noise on his end

Whitley: "Umm...(Y/n) I actually wanted to talk about something and I....uhh....I need your advice" he told me, I could almost sense the hesitation in the way he worded it out

(Y/n): "Oh...Okay can't you talk about this with your sisters?"

Whitley: "N....No It's kind of weird and silly...more of a guy thing"

(Y/n): "Oh...I see, well you see Whitley when boys like us reach a certain age 'hormones' start kicking in....and....uh...we..um...how do I put this....Grow an itch of sort....but not to worry it's natural"

Whitley: "WHAT!?.....I'm not talking about THAT"

(Y/n): "Oh...*phew* I'm not really the best person to talk about body development and such....anyways what IS the problem"

Whitley: "It's personal and I'm trusting your advice here. promise not to tell my sisters?"

(Y/n): "Sure, Bro I'm all ears, I won't promise I got an answer but...I'm all ears" I said, he sighed and started talking

Whitley: "It's...about...me and my Sisters" He solemnly said, I remained silent which he took as a sign to go on
Whitley: "It's just that...I don't know I feel like I'm not...you know a Schnee" I was a bit shocked on what would make him think about this but I remained calm

(Y/n): "Woah, Whitley buddy where is this coming from?" I asked, Whitley replied with a short sigh before continuing

Whitley: "It's just...In Atlas people always ask me if I can do the things my sisters can and......And I'm just getting sick of it you know.....always getting compared to them....always being left in the shadow of what my sister can do" He said, I could have sworn I heard his voice crack hear and there like he was fighting his tears.

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