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30th june 2020

I'll go more into detail with this chapter..

This is how my days been.. so far

Last night I went to sleep at 4AM which is great for me. I woke up at 12PM- this was about an hour earlier then usual so I spent that time on my phone, looking at tumblr.

I went downstairs to see Patton making lunch, and I was greeted with his common smile, "Hey kiddo! Sleep alright?" I nodded to this- lying. I don't want him to be sad.
"Great! Can you call Roman down, please? He's rehearsing in his room again."

I did just that. I knocked on his door, soon facing the slightly taller man.
"Oh, it's you." Wow, nice to see you too, bitch.
"What is so important that you must disturb me?"

"Pat wanted me to call you for dinner, terribly sorry for intruding, your majesty." I replied, eyes narrowed throughout the whole sentence.

"Alright, I'll be down in a second. Farewell emo." He said- I cringed. Why is he such a dick?

I shrugged it off, walking downstairs. I told Patton about how Roman will be down 'in a second'. I joined Logan on the sofa, he was reading about scientology.

"Why are you reading about scientology?" I asked him.

"You know of it?" He quizzed, genuinely surprised.

"Duh, it's like conspiracy theory 101."

He adjusted his glasses, "I was actually rather interested in Louis Theroux's documentary on the topic, hoping Patton would allow us to watch it in tonight's movie night."

"I could ask him. He might get creeped out but it's got funny jokes in it too, so he might budge." I replied, now exited for tonight's movie.

Logan smiled slightly, turning back to his book. Soon enough Sir sings a lot finally decided to join us.

"Roman!" Patton smiled, widely. "Lunch is ready now!"
Patton turned to me, "You wanna eat now, kiddo? Considering you only just woke up and all.."
He looked kind of sad about it, probably worried about my sleeping schedule. I really didn't want to eat so much in the morning- but anything to make my dad happy I guess.

"Sure, I'll join you." Ugh, I hate myself.

I sat in my usual seat, next to Princey.
It was awkward, considering he was being such a jackass to me lately. We all ate, I was on my phone for most of it, bored, so I decided it would be a funny idea to go on instagram and search up '#sandersidesfanart', it was all really cute. Until I saw one drawing of me and princey, '#Prinxiety' underneath it. I nearly spat out the water I was drinking, gaining some questioning looks, I shrugged them off, still to my avail, Roman kept asking me about it, trying to peak at my phone.

No way was I letting him see that, I know it's only fan art but STILL.

In the end I just got up and quickly walked away to my room, escaping the prince.

Thinking back to it.. yeah, that was definitely me and Roman in that picture. I threw my phone across my room.

Why was I getting so worked up about one picture? It's not like it's real!

I decided to be brave and grab my phone, looking at that post again- I scrolled only to see an endless amount of ship art.
I threw my phone on my bed again after turning on my spotify playlist.

Gerard Way's voice helped calm the weird feeling in my chest. Trying to erase what i've just seen.

That's all I can be bothered to write, I'm not Logan who likes to write essays, ok?

Virgil's Journal  (Sander Sides | Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now