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2nd September 2020

I'm really anxious- I don't know why. I feel sick, cold and nervous.

I literally wasn't doing anything, just a few overthoughts like usual.

I need Princey but I don't want to annoy him he has better things to do. But he did look really upset whenever I didn't tell him..

Fruck it, Ill just text him. If he doesn't respond Il just delete the message.. yeah.

Me: attacj

Me: atrack *

Me: fuck

Me: attack**

Princey👑❤️: On my way. X

Wait, what?


He's seen me once I'll be dammed if he sees me again.

I'll write later when i'm calm

A knock at the door shook me from my thoughts.

"I'm coming in, Virge!" A royal voice called out. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. 1.) he's gonna see me have ANOTHER panic attack and 2.) IVE NOT HID THE JOURNAL! He walked in and spotted me near the black oak dresser.

He crouched down next to me, worry in his eyes. I've made him worry? Who the fuck am I to do that? What's wrong with me? Or maybe I'm just trying to make this all about me. I've always been selfish like that.

"..-il.., VIRGIL!" I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Okay.., can I touch you?"

I nodded, Princey soon wrapping his arms around me. I shut my eyes tight, hoping that somehow it will make everything better as I hug the prince back with weak, shaking arms.

He started to whisper in my ear about how everything will be okay and all that shit.

I'll spare you the rest of the details but eventually I calmed down.

"Are you feeling any better, stormcloud?" He spoke carefully. I nodded in response soon followed with a small yawn, obviously he noticed this because he was now picking me up and placing me on my bed.

"What's this?.." I hear him mumble. I look up to see him flicking through my journal.. fuck.

I didn't know what to do so I panicked and threw a pillow at his face.

"Dickhead! Don't read that!" I spoke in a shaky voice.

"Ouch.., fine, fine." He grabbed the pillow and put it next to me on the bed. He started to make an exit.

"Uh- Roman! Wanna watch that movie?"

"As much as I'd love too, you're tired, Virge." He sighed.

"If I fall asleep then..oh well, now hurry up, I'm in the mood for Disney." I saw his face light up at this. With that he made his way to the bed and got comfy.

We watched Hercules until I fell asleep.

Virgil's Journal  (Sander Sides | Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now