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1st October 2020

Today was sorta eventful.

And when I say that I mean I want to die.

"VIRGEEEE!!" Princey shouted. I covered my ears in alarm and breathed in a tempered breath.

"Princey, I am RIGHT NEXT TO YOU." I argued as he giggled. He sat closer to me on the sofa and asked me a question.

"Soooo... wannaplaytruthordare." The prince rushed. I had no time to think as he grabbed the phone that was once in my hand and put it down on the coffee table.
"I'll go first! Truth or dare, Emo?"

"Uh- truth?" I hesitated. He grinned, thinking of a good question.

"What's the biggest lie you've ever told?"

I smirked, "I'm fine." That obviously caught him off guard. "Truth or dare?"

"WE ARE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE?!" An overjoyed Patton bursted into the living room. "OKAY- hang on I'm getting Logan!"
A few minutes later of Patton convincing Logan they entered the room and sat down.
"Okay, you can continue, V."

"Uh- right, truth or dare Ro?"

He smirked with confidence, "dare!" I roll my eyes at his pride and thought of a good dare.

"I dare you to let me spam your phone with photos." I declare, reaching out for his phone. He sighed but accepted the challenge. After deciding there was enough dumb pictures of me to fill up his gallery I hand him back his phone.

"Oka Logan, truth or dare?" Roman piped up at the logical side.

"Truth will suffice."

"Who's your favourite person in this room?" Princey spoke with confidence, awaiting his answer.

"Hm, well I suppose out of anyone here I do enjoy Patton's company the most if that's an adequate reply?" Logan spoke as he adjusted his tie. I turn to look at Patton who now had a blushing face. He's not very good at hiding strong emotions.
"Patton, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Pat grinned, practically beaming with joy.

"Your dare is to cook us spaghetti for our next meal, i'd you need I'll help yo-"

"Logan!" Roman interrupted, "He always cooks anyway.. choose a good dare."

"Just let him choose the dare for himself." I sighed.

"Yes, but he's terrible at choosing the da-!" Princey fought back until he was interrupted.

Logan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "fine, I dare you to speak in any accent for the entirety of the game."
Patton hummed, accepting his dare.

"Virge, I dare you and Roman to go one week without bickering over any slight problem when we are or aren't around." Patton spoke, a smug expression creeping up on his face. Also note that his australian accent was terrible.
"To make it official you will need to hug eachother!"

It's true that Princey and I get a long much more but that doesn't mean we still don't argue. It's just if we do it's normally in-front of the others so they don't think anything's changed between us much.

"Uh, Patton, it's just Anx's dare, not mine." Princey protested.

"Well, this takes up my next dare for you!" Patton proclaimed, the prince sighing in defeat.

"Fine, dad." I rolled my eyes at the dare. Walking up to Roman I give him an awkward loose hug.

"Well that won't do! Don't be silly, give each other a proper hug!" Morality chimed, aweing at the scene.
Growling, I hug the taller side, tired of this bullshit.
I swear I could see Logan smirking.

And so the rest of the game played out like that.

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