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Jack had gone out grocery shopping, insisting he needed to find smaller snacks to get me to eat. I took that time to escape to my rock once more. I left a note this time since he doesn't seem to like when I just disappear.

I pull my hoodie closer to me, glancing out over the water. The sky's were grey and complimented the water beautifully. It was actually pretty cold out today which took me by surprise, seeing as I only had on a worn hoodie and some jeans- I wasn't very warm.

"So this is the rock jack never shuts up about eh?" I turn around, the familiar brunette meeting my eyes.

"It's a beautiful place." He says, walking over and sitting beside me. I look back at the water.

"Why are you here?" I ask quietly.

"Regardless of Jacks trust, I'm still not comfortable having you disappear from hours on end. It's only been a few weeks Zach." I spare my lap a glance before looking back at the water.

"I worry about you Zach." He says, glancing at me. I don't return the gaze, pulling my knees to my chest.

"You don't have too. I'm fine Daniel." He sighs, moving so he's laying in his back and looking at the clouds.

"Actions speak louder than words." I glance at him, completely offended.

"Fuck off would you?" He glances at me, raising a brow.

"You're mad, but you know I'm right." I go to respond but I pause, finding myself unable to speak.

"It's okay to ask for help. You constantly say you're fine but ignore us when you need us most." I blink, the boy looking at me.

"Oh." He sits up, his gaze still on me. He goes to speak when a wave hits the rock, hard.

"Maybe we should go back yea? Looks like it's gonna storm." I nod in agreement getting up. I walk towards where I set my shoes, Daniel immediately tensing.

"Zach careful the rock is wet, I don't want you slipping." I pause, glancing at him.

"I'll be careful stop worrying so much." I bend over, grabbing my shoes as another wave hits. I grimace at my now partially wet pants, turning to the brunette. He was smiling in amusement.

"Hurry up would you?" I roll my eyes and go to walk towards him. Immediately his smile drops as I step on a piece of seaweed, losing my footing.

"Zach!" I slip off the rock with a loud yelp, smacking into the water soon after.

The water was cold and the impact made my head throb. I quickly resurfaced, sucking in a breath. I wipe my eyes, hearing Daniel call out my name before another wave hit. This time wasn't as nice. I was pushed into the rock harshly, pain shooting up my arm. I didn't surface this time. My arm hurt too much to move it and well maybe I'd be lucky and get what I wanted.

It wasn't long before I heard something hit the water beside me, the person grabbing me before swimming towards shore. He drags me up the beach, dropping me and collapsing next to me. I cough up the water, throwing up beside us. I close my eyes, laying my head in the sand. I was freezing.

"Holy shit your arm." I slowly open my eyes, glancing down at it. My once yellow hoodie was now stained red.

"Fuck." I groan, laying my head in the sand once more.

"Cmon buddy lets get you to the hospital."


What's this? I'm back and have updates?!

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What's this? I'm back and have updates?!

Wow 🤩

Ps double update coming to you later today <3

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