[19] Angels

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"So we ran another few tests and you seemed alright." The nurse, Jamie told me.

I smiled, thanking her. "When do you think I am going to be okay soon?"

"Hmm, I think it's going to be to least 2-3 weeks." She implied, checking her clipboard. "Sam, you're going to be okay. All you need is little time."

I nodded, looking down at my broken leg. Me and my little sister have been playing football for a while. Until my leg broke, after falling down the hill. It took me a while to notice the window was getting foggier in any minute. The sky filled with clouds, snow dropping softly.

Frowning that going home would be a bother in today's 3 inch snow. Jamie had already left and I would need help standing up but I had the walking crutch with me. That's nice.


Limping over the entrance of the hospital. The crutch helped me alot though, if only I could ever get used to this. Leaning over the wall and fixed my furry coat and adjusting my scarf, I watched the snow drop. It was decent and calm.

I sighed, steam forming through my mouth. Then a light caught my eye, it was like a giant diamond falling. I wasn't sure if it was a meteor or something else but I could not tell. The light soon vanished from my line of sight but I could see smoke.

I do not know why but I decided to go where it had crashed. Limping to the beat up truck my father gave me when I was 17, and drove to the direction. The black smoke above the sky helped me a lot.


Following it took me a few wrong turns but I found it alright. I looked around, everything was just farms and fields, nothing more. Then I saw the smoke, leaving my car and going there. Then, an old farmer was there, looking around confused. He was staring at the large crater. My jaw dropped at the sight. Something crashed here, but I couldn't see it. Coming close to him, he turned around alarmingly, looking straight into my eyes.

"U-um, did something crash here?" I asked nervously. His grey eyes scanning at me.

"Yes. And who are you? One of those o'll nuggets lookin' for UFO, I told them the last time my cows were not abducted and neither of us were probed!" He snapped, a little irritated.

I shook my head, raising my hands in defense, the crutch falling on the grassy ground without a hand to grab it. "No. I-it's just that. I saw something crash here and think I might check it out."

He nodded slowly, turning around to stare at the large crater. "I see. This crater was just a kilometre away from my barn! That darn loud sound of explosion is too ringing to my ears! Dum potato basket ain't gonna surive long." He spit, stuffing wheat in the weaved basket behind him. Wiping his hands on his denim jumper.

Tipping his farm hat he asked me. "Well whatcha standin' there boy!? If a chicken nugget like you would be here, ey' be around the whole crater looking for clues on what to find!" He grit, taking the basket and walked to the direction to his house but stopped beside me.

"Call me crazy but eh. . ." He cracked the stiffness of his neck. "I saw a lady walkin' out of that crater when I was a few feet away." He 'tsked'.

This perked my interest. "Where?"

He pointed downhill on the meadow. "Into the trees."

"Thank you! I'll be going now." I thanked him and ran down there, but I did run as fast as how my leg could help me.


Staring at the trees in front of me, I groaned and hit my own head for being stupid. I forgot my walking crutch, but I still had the cast on me. Walking into the woods be a lot harder than I expected, my eyes scanned around the dark bark trees, there was nothing I could find. I sighed again and rested on the ground after minutes of searching.

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