[2] 2nd Couple, found.

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"H-hey Minori. . . C-can I talk t-to you for a b-bit...?" Canada asked the Spanish nation. Minori arched an eyebrow and nodded.

They both went out of the classroom. . . To the garden of their school. It was such a peaceful day this July, butterflies fluttered across the plants. The sun's light streaming down of their surroundings. It was awfully quiet when a breeze flowed by. Canada stopped walking and turned to her. He was obviously flustered and pink tainted his cheeks. Minori's heart thumped fast in her chest, suffering from the suspense of what he has to say. She swallowed a lump of her throat as she urged him to go on. . .

He sighed finality. "Minori. . . I've a-always l-l....lo-..." Minori widened her eyes, preparing for it to be continued. "Minori I love you!" Canada blurted out. His face all red from embarrassment.

He looked straight into her eyes and also saw she was, as well, blushing furiously. "Will you go out with me. . .?" He asked timidly.

Andorra nodded and her face broke to a huge grin. "Yes Matthew Williams. I accept you for courting me from now on. So please take care of me." Minori smiled warmly at him, her cheeks still painted in pink.

They leaned forward. . . Waiting for each other's lips to touch---

"BOOM! So the new couple has finally been born!" America popped out of nowhere, with a microphone in hand.

Then suddenly, the school's windows were opened and came out all the students, whooping and cheering for them! Heck, they even threw confetti's!

Canada and Andorra blushed furiously after that scene. . .


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