[9] Warlock

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"How come you never told me that the Demon King is actually a she!?" Matthias exclaimed.

"Shush! No one must know, and keep your tongue tied, otherwise if you want to keep it." Aina silenced him.

Matthias visibly gulped and nodded nervously. "O-okay. . ."


He turned on his heels, transforming into a dragon again and flew out. Aina sighed in relief, glad that Yuki wasn't going to betray her. Suddenly, the door barged in open, revealing other than the exotic, fabulous bitch, Shii.

"Wazzup!?" Shii gave her the finger.

Aina rolled her eyes. "Shii, what do you want?"

"Nuthin' Biatch! Can't I just visit my dead bestfriend!?" She sassily put a hand on her hip and flipped her ashy white hair.

"Whatever." Aina waved her off. But inside, she was glad to be called 'best friend'.

Shii strolled in and sat improperly on Aina's death couch. Popping a death fruit in her mouth (A/N: Mortals call it grapes.) She chew it noisily while placing her feet on the coffee table.

"You gotta relax man, you've been doin' yah 'Death Jobs' whatevah, collecting souls 24/7. Ain't you tired?" Shii emphasized death jobs.

Aina sighed, wearily. "I can't. There's gotta be at least somebody who has to die."

Shii clicked her tongue. "That isn't my question." She put her feet down and leaned forward. "Who's gonna take care of your business when you're gone?"

The Death Queen shrugged. "I always do. Nobody has the authority or capacity to do that." Aina furrowed her eyebrows, thinking suggestively.

Shii waved her hand repeatedly near her face. "Nah, that actually stunk. But you know what makes me go all 'giddy?" Aina raised an eyebrow. "The Human World."

Aina shook her head no. "No-- Shii, don't do it---"

Too late.

Shii snapped her fingers and a portal formed in the middle of the room, sucking the both of them in forcefully as Shii's maniac laughter heard throughout the echos.

"You son of a--" Aina started but blacked out when she hit her head on the solid ground of the mortal realm.


"Ugghh. . ." Aina groaned. Pressing her head, but felt a warm compress of a towel. "What the hell?" Aina repeatedly blinked as her vision adjusted.

She looked around to see she was inside an old cabin, it's wooden walls covered with thick green moss. Aina was laying down on a comfy mattress. She tried to get up but a searing back pain shot out through her spine.

Aina hissed in pain. "Ow! Fuck." She groaned again.

"Stay still." A guy's voice was heard in the cabin.

Aina's gaze snapped to the direction of the voice. To see an attractive guy, holding towels and medicinal suppliances. His face was bored and blank. Aina blinked again.

"Where am. . . I?" Aina asked, a little light headed.

He walked to her and kneeled down, pressing the towel in to the bowl again. "You're in my cabin, somewhere in the forest actually. You're friend left to find us some food."

Aina blinked again, remembering the events that happened earlier.

Oh right, Shii. I'll get back at yah, you bitch. Aina thought bitterly.

"Who are you?" Aina asked him absentmindedly.

He paused and searched for her eyes. "Lucas." He blinked. "You are?"

"Aina. . ." She muttered as she found herself lost in his dazzling almost purple eyes.

Lucas nodded. "It is nice to meet a fellow non-human." He resumed his work.

Aina blinked and let the thought rewind again. "Wait! H-how did y-you know!?"

He shrugged. "You are an immortal, I'm a Warlock. I see things that you people can't. Your aura is different from humans, ao I assume you are already dead."

Aina nodded in understanding. She couldn't help but stare at his handsome features, Aina blushed. No wonder, she thought she met a handsome human. But he wasn't afterall. Lucas finished grinding the ingredients, he added water onto it and mixed them.

"This should help you feel better." He explained. Lucas handed over the 'soup' to Aina. "Although you are already dead, you still feel pain in the human realm. Your world supports your damage, so you cannot feel anything."

Aina nodded. She hasn't been to the human realm much because she was too busy collecting souls. And no, she doesn't take the souls directly, her grim reapers do. When they all gather, it is Aina's job to collect all of them. Although, in the past, she used to do those stuff, but eventually became tired, that's why there are tons of grim reapers. Onikumas like Shii, are demon bears, but they are now extremely rare in the demon kingdom. Even if she's a hybrid, she has half of it's powers.


"Thank you." Aina started. Lucas flicked his eyes towards her in confusion. "For all of this. Although, I don't really trust much people, but being with you all this time proves yourself being so trustworthy."

He nodded. "Good for you then." Lucas continued drawing on his sketch pad.

Aina frowned. "What are you drawing?" She asked across the both of them. Lucas was in front of her drawing something while Aina was laying down on the mattress.

He halted and raised his eye level to hers. "I will show you once I am finished."

Aina nodded. She couldn't help herself for her heart beating fast in her chest. Being with a guy, alone, you just met 3 hours ago, and extremely handsome. Aina gulped, studying his features. Blonde hair, almost platinum, clips were stuck onto it. His modern clothes fit him coolly. Aina shook her head.

Nows, not the time to be flirting. . . Aina thought, blushing for a little bit.

"Done." Lucas' voice snapped her out from her thoughts.

Aina's face brightened. "Can I see?" She chanted excitingly as a kid would.

Lucas chuckled at her antics and handed her the sketch pad. Aina gasped at the sight. It was a sketch of her, smiling brightly. Her hair was flawlessly waved and shaded well with it's shadows. Her eyes looked like they were shining brightly. Aina's heart kept on making tumbles and beats.

"Y-you drew me. . .?" Aina asked, unsurely.

Lucas shrugged as if it was nothing. "Why won't I draw something so beautiful?" He reached out and felt her silky hair.

Aina blushed crimson red, her face heating up from all the compliments she recieved. In the Death Empire, no one would dare compliment or insult Death herself. Aina's eyes flickered to Lucas', she noticed his image getting closer and closer. Aina's heartbeat became irregular and instantly her eyelids closed. They were both waiting for each other's lips to touch when the door of the cabin suddenly opened.

"Yo peeps! I came back from the--- What are you guys doing?" Shii asked. Seeing the both of their faces inches apart.

Shii got the message and instantly snickered. "I do hope I was interrupting something."

Aina covered her face with her palms and you can feel the embarrassment radiating off her. While Lucas was just sitting there, wide-eyed.


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