[11] Tell me. . .

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Chelsea sat down, hanging her bag on the chair. Brushing her hair to the side and smiled warmly of the person in front of her. He smiled back and they did their greetings. Chelsea and Ben have been communicating well for the past 5 months. Suprisingly, they had a lot in common. While Ben is a senior and Chelsea a junior, they didn't have much time to meet, except, of course, they meet in the library every once in a while.

"So how are the tests going?" Chelsea asked, scribbling down on her newly assigned homework.

Ben shrugged. "They were fine, but I got a little on edge in Calculus."

Chelsea chuckled, but then remembered something. "Oh right, I forgot! Who are you taking to prom this month?" Her heart is breaking for a bit because she was starting to have feelings for him.

He froze stiff and his eyes wide. "Uh. . . Umm. I d-didn't ask h-her yet." He looked away, not meeting her eyes. "I'm planning on asking her out beforehand but I don't think she has the same feelings as me. . ." He muttered.

Chelsea's smile faltered. Her heart was breaking into tiny pieces. I knew he already had someone he likes. . . And it's not me. . . Chelsea thought. She plastered another smile on her face again, but in the inside she was about to cry.

"Well, whoever it is. . . Goodluck!" She sighed in content and looked out of the window, seeing Minori and Matthew walking by happily at the field, hands intertwined. "I hope you are able to be succesful. . ." She uttered softly.

Ben gulped and then blinked. "Oh right! I have something that I might need your help with. . ." He stood up. "Wait here. . ." He dashed out of the library room.

Chelsea sat there. . . Staring hopelessly at the door where he came out. She sighed and her eyes began to blur as the tears had built up and is threatening to pour down. She sniffed and continued writing down some answers but it seems like she can't focus. Her head kept on rewinding the time how he looked so uneasy and how affectionately he stated. Chelsea's heart broke for a bit.

"I'm back." She heard Ben's soft voice afar. She quickly wiped her tears and smiled brightly as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, did you get it?" She asked. Ben nodded, he handed the paper to her.

"Can you read it? It was written in different languages. . ." He muttered. Chelsea's eyes scanned over the paper.

Ina son ka. . .

أحبك. . .

Jeg elsker dig. . .

Обичам те. . .

मी तुला प्रेम करतो. . .

Chelsea read the other different languages that was printed neatly.

Jag älskar dig. . .

Я люблю тебя. . .

Aku mencintaimu. . .

And something made her pause. . . The last phrase that she never expected, or what it had said. . . Her eyes widening, her heart beating faster and faster as she reread it again as it said---

I Love You. . .


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