[24] What about a Roadtrip to Purgatory

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SUPERNATURAL GAP (the time after the chapter 'Angels' coz i forgot to type this one down, so this is a FLASHBACK)

Sam blinked many times after meeting Death. They were having this epic staredown. He can't help but feel as if somebody else was watching them. Death only stood there, a few meters away from him as if his mere touch would disgust him. He shifted nervously and looked around in the foggy place, he could make out figures of dead trees from afar but he wasn't so sure because he swore they moved.

"You seem different." Death spoke with a low voice but Sam heard it clear and well.

Sam looked up at him with an arched eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Death rose his arm to the side, black smoke gathered and his scythe appeared and Sam's heart hammered violently when Death appeared in front of him with his scythe's razor was aimed at his neck, Sam felt a chill on his spine, When did he get here? He let out a weird noise and tried to back away but he couldn't because his fear had planted his feet on the ground. Everything was so silent you could hear a sweat drop.

"You're presence is partly human, you smell of something ancient."

Sam gulped and he wanted to yell out in fear but he managed to raise both arms to surrender. "I swear, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Only beasts arrive in Purgatory." Death spoke softly, slowly dropping the sharp weapon to the ground and soon dispersed to smoke. Death passed by Sam and Sam stood, frozen in fear. "Maybe I won't be the one to deal with you."

Before Sam could comprehend what happened, an old-fashioned train emerged out of the thick fog, it's rails appearing as it progressed further as if it made it's own tracks. Just as Sam feared, it stopped for him, Sam looked around for Death but he was long gone. The train's doors opened and Sam could see a silhouette. That silhouette stepped down the steps and Sam was face to face with a masked man wearing a conductor's uniform.

The conductor took out his hand. "Nice to meet you Sam. I am Magnus, and I'll be your reaper."

Sam was too scared to speak or take his hand to shake his. Magnus took his hand back and offered way to the train. "I will be guiding you to your after life."

He only stared suspiciously at Magnus. Sam didn't want to believe it, that he was dead and all. He couldn't even remember how he died, only bits of it. Part of him just wants to believe this was all some prank, but the fact what he saw said otherwise. When he was so busy in his thoughts and hesitancy, Magnus took out a pocket watch.

"Time is ticking. If you plan to stay and turn to a wandering spirit on the living world, I would gladly let you do so. It is your choice. Come with me and find a new life, or stay and remain a ghost."

Sam swallowed a lump in his throat and timidly took steps to the train, he let out a deep breath and entered. Magnus followed after him and the train doors closed, Sam looked around to see he wasn't the only one in the train. He was with other people he do not know, but they seem to be fading and seemed faceless.

"Please take a seat, the train will be moving soon." Magnus instructed, holding on to a rail on the side for support.

Sam took a seat near where Magnus was standing, he was afraid of the adjacent semi-clear people. They were unmoving, as if they were statues. Sam looked around as the train started moving after hearing it's horn. He looked out of the windows and saw passing trees, but he still couldn't make out the place because it was so foggy. Sam looked up to the masked reaper beside him, Magnus' mask was covering his whole face.

"Where is this place?" Magnus' head seem to tilt down a bit to look at him. "From what I heard from Death, he said this place is Purgatory." Magnus didn't move one bit. "He said that only beasts are from Purgatory."

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