Author's Note: CHANGED

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Soooo, anyway, I decided to have this oneshot mixed with supernatural stuff, so if you are not a G.A.P. member then let me help you. . .

Shii; is a fabulous ninja-unicorn-bear demon. Like an onikuma, something of like that sort. She is a very close friend of the Demon Yuki.

Aina; is a Shinigami. Her realm is the Death Empire, and collects souls. Colleagues of the Demon King.

Minori: Is an Artloid. An artloid is an android that is related to Art. Like a robot's job to do arts and crafts. Her battle weapon is a large paint brush. (A/N: ????)

Dori: ???? (It'll be a suprise)

Yuki; Demon King. Although her citizens have a usually large ego, and demons are nasty creatures, they have a strong sense of sexism. Yuki was forced to hide her gender.

Josh: ???? (I don't know)

Carlo: Reaper. His boss is Death itself. (herself)

Magnus: Another Reaper. Same with Carlo.

Sam: Normal human being. But fricking important.

 So the unknown stuff wil be revealed in the future, so. . . . . . . wait.

You will know it's a Supernatural Oneshot if you see this before the story


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