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This song made me fucking cry whilst listening to it

Damons POV

~ 2 years and 6 months later ~

I regret it

all of it

I can't believe I rejected such a person. now that I think about it every time he was hurt he cared for us no matter what he was always kind and had everything good you could look for in a luna, unlike that slut Chloe. She cheated on me 3 times and I realized that she was after the money so I removed her from her position before it affected the pack along with the rest of the kingdom cause we usually help other packs in need.

she lost my mating mark after she got marked by her true mate but the ting is she's pregnant with my baby and he is going to be the alpha so I need her as close as possible so she lives in the packhouse with her mate. Nick regrets everything he did to his brother and so do I and my wolf and also most of the pack except of course his own mother and stepfather, they are enjoying their lives and unfortunately, I can't banish them because they are too old to find another pack so I will spare them the torture I gave to my mate.

I had started a search about a year after he left and told every pack to inform me when they have seen any sign of him but no one has, it's like he disappeared from the face of the earth. But I won't give up, someday I will find you and make things right my mate, my lovely luna, hoping he doesn't have a second chance who followed him even if I banned all of them or maybe he might get a second chance mate whose a rogue. whichever I hope its neither one of them cause I will be heartbroken

put my mate aside we have been hearing of demons and vampires roaming around in areas and then there are sightings of deaths of both humans, wolves, fae, and even vampires. all the supernaturals have been coming to seek refuge from us and we had to build more houses and put more wolves on patrol in case of an attack because I have a feeling something huge is coming, and we won't like it.

nick burst into my office " there's a small army of vampires and demons by the border, they are here to warn us and for me to tell you to stay out of their way if you want to live" he looked terrified

"get Silva(he's my gamma) Maya(she's my delta), Alice (lead warrior), Andrew and Lila (my best friend and 2 of the powerful pack members) the warriors quickly whilst I distract them" I rush out

"quick let us go," I say

we leave for the border and there we see about a few hundred demons and vampires, few numbers but with them working together it will be a tough battle

"We want you to surrender or you will suffer in the war that's coming "the high ranking demon who was the harbinger said

I released my aura and every one of the demons and vamps cowered a bit but the harbinger just stared with a slight flinch that you couldn't see if you weren't paying attention to his every move ready for battle" you would think twice before you mess with the alphas under my protection"

"well we have help to handle 'your majesty' then several witches appeared and the vampire king appeared

each supernatural has a king like me the king of the wolves, only the primes were the strongest creation ever made by the goddess.so the kings have as much power as mine

then 4 surprisingly pureblood witches appeared and trapped us in bubbles. Since they weren't royalty the spells couldn't hold me unless they worked together.

I ripped the bubble then all four of them trapped me

just my luck

then two people appeared and one held a beautiful face that I thought I'd never see again

"MATE!" I shouted

Sammy's POV

It's been 2 years and I have mastered my powers to the fullest with the help of the moon goddess. I made a friend with an angel who was handpicked by luna to help when the war arrives, his name is Micah. He's 6,1 like how Damon was but Micah he has green eyes and blond hair that shimmers in the sun along with his skin, He's a powerful angel since he's the son of the powerful archangel, Michael.

"It's time for us to show our presence, the pack is under attack," Micah said.

"be careful not to show your form just yet child," the moon goddess said

"yes mother," I said

'we have to go and prepare the packs army and train them before its too late' Elijah said

"I will transport you to your mate because he and his warriors are in trouble," the goddess said

"yes, luna" I replied. I have learned to forgive people but that doesn't mean I will risk befriending them because if we win I will be too busy with protecting all of the creation.luna said she can't give me a second chance mate because I was designed to be with alpha Damon so I don't need a mate because I have mastered the pain to the extent that it only feels like vibration and that hasn't happened in a year

I wonder what happened to them

I forgave every one of them but never will I show my emotions to them unless its Micah or moon goddess because I still have those nightmares and no matter how strong I get they still broke me inside. And I will never be repaired

I sometimes cut to heal myself from the pain and luna and Micah no better than to ask if I need help because they know I don't like being called weak and that's another way to say I am but I let them help at times cause I care about them, luna as my mother and Micah as my brother. He is the only one that makes me smile and laugh and we cuddle when we sleep which causes the nightmares to lessen cause one he's an angel and two cause I feel safe with him but I will only love him as a big brother as he loves me as a small brother. I remember their expressions when I smiled for the first time in a year

"tell them that you are here to prepare them for the war and I will send elder Samuel a vision," luna said

elder Samuel was the other person who was nice to me

we enter the portal to earth

well here I come, back to the hell of a home

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