𝟙𝟜|| situations and devils

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Sammys POV

Its been a month since I had a talk with Damon and I'm back to calling him alpha and I ignore him but he keeps pestering me everyday and he even becomes ruthless when in training.

We've been having many deaths and all of them are left by our borders either it be just the head or the dead body. We have been trying to find how they are killing people and who their master is so its been very difficult but me and micah know its Lucifer and we cant just tell them cause it will raise suspicion.

Damon has been sending flowers to my room which end up in the bin or burnt, love letters that I give to micah to burn outside, and he makes me food which I dont eat in worry that its poisoned, the only thing I keep is chocolate cause I have a serious obsession that only Micah, Lucian and silva know about, and yes Lucian became a part of my friendship group cause he was trying so hard and so did the other pack members but I am more connected and natural when its Lucian, Micah, Silva and I. we are all inseparable and I can see that their love for me and Micah is genuine, kinda like the brothers I never had but wish I had. Nick also tries to talk to me but I give him one word answers and he seems lost and depressed nowadays but I dont think its time to forgive him just yet cause I may be prime and all, but I still have emotions not just power. 

"the council request your presence with the alpha king and micah" a guard informed us

"we'll be there" Micah responded

we rushed out and ran to the conference room, there sat the elders and the former alpha and luna along with Damon. we sat and the meeting began with elder Richard

"as we all know we have been receiving some people who are al beaten and bruised or dead and they are all disposed off at our borders, we have been training but it seems as though it hasn't been paying of" he said and I knew it was directed to me cause all the elders in the council hated me and wanted to get rid of me for being an omega and their luna

"obviously they would die but its cause you never listen when we say travel with 5 people when you leave the pack house cause you cant kill a 100 demons and vampires all by yourself, I think you people are getting yourselves killed by thinking you are the most powerful when everyone has a weakness somewhere" Micah responded and the former alpha king, Daniel agreed

"he's right, how can 1 individual survive and ambush from demons and vampires at once. The only way to deal with such a matter is if they listen and work together and not have such prideful egos" the former Queen, Alana said.

"as you can see this issue can be solved quite quickly so you are all dismissed from this meeting" Daniel confirmed and all the elders left angry that I wasn't blamed or punished except of course elder Samuel, remind me to reward him when all this is over, cause such kindness and faith in me even though im an omega is really inspiring and good spirited.

me and Micah left the room and I immediately felt a powerful aura had been lurking outside the borders in the forest and I was wondering if maybe it was the cause of the deaths.

I left and ran through the forest towards the aura, immediately a powerful scent of honey and ashes hit my nose and I followed it to an empty field then

a demon fell from the air and landed on the ground with a thud. I stared at him and couldn't help but notice how handsome he was, devil or not. His red colored skin glistened with the suns rays hitting the perfect spot to make him look like a god accompanied by his horns that were sharp and as black as midnight, his toned body that had sweat dripping of it. He was a powerful demon and I could tell he was Lucifer second in command, the angel of death. And I have to say a part of me was scared cause he looked scary yet too mesmerizing to to look away, and no I dont have feelings for him and I never will

I wasn't so sure if he was the cause because if I used my powers he would sense them, why? because im not mated yet so my scent can be masked along with my powers but they cant be masked for long especially when my mate is around so micah helps me by casting masking spells. I know demons are meant to be evil and stuff but I sense a good in him that I saw in lucian so I decided to test him

"um hello sir, I see you're hurt is it okay if I may help" I asked

he stared at me as if I had 2 heads then he asked

"aren't you terrified" he asked

"oh I am, but I was taught not to turn a blind eye on someone who needs help" I said

his smile was gorgeous, flashing his white teeth "thank you I would love your help but I need to see the alpha king and inform him about something before its too late" I frowned

"let me help you and ill take you to him when you are well rested" a look of pain flashed through his eyes and he said something that shocked me

"unfortunately I dont have much time in this world, I may only be alive for 2 more weeks and id like to use those weeks and make sure lucifer pays for  ruining the peace of the underworld and of Earth" he said bitterly

"what do you mean you dont have enough time" I asked

"lucifer is a powerful king and he controls death, so when he curses you it will take a lot of power and 4 pureblood species to break his spell. but purebloods are rare and who would help a demon when they think everyone of them is evil. There are thousands and thousands of demons that are being held in dungeons for trying to keep peace and prevent this war, only the ones with an evil heart or are brainwashed into evil remain in service to the king" he said

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