𝟛||luna Has Arrived

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"I'll be back I have to tell the moon goddess about the pureblood witches so take care of them, all you need to do is tell them about their disadvantage" Micah said

I nodded and he left. I started walking towards them then I heard the words I dreaded but ignored anyways


Damons POV

he didn't even stare at me, my wolf howled at how serious he looked. He was soo serious as if if you stared at him too long he could kill you and it was scary yet sexy

yes my mate is sexy with his nice ass that has now developed along with the rest of his body

"dear demon you are threatening the wrong pack, your foolishness will cost you your lives" he said as if he knew what was going on

"and who are you to tell us, "the harbinger said

"I have read and if you attack now you will be destroyed before you can even think so I suggest you leave because we all know that pureblood spell won't work on the witches forever," he said calmly

I was shocked and so was everyone else, its as if he knew that the witches were fake purebloods

The vampires immediately left and then the demons till one high ranking demon looked at my mate and it was pissing me off but sadly I had to hold in my growl until he shouted

"MATE!!" no...thats his second chance

"NO!" I freaked out and ripped the spells of that even the witches were shocked

I ran and was about to hit the demon when he teleported behind me and punched me

"he's mine!" I said

"no mate mine!" he said which just angered me more till the witch aimed a spell at Sammy

"SAMMY NO!!" I screamed but the demon appeared in front of the spell and got hit

"NO, hurt, mate," he said

Sammy was looking as though he was calculating something and when he touched the demon he looked the same but judging by the way he removed his hand he knew what was wrong

the demon fainted on him and he had to hug the demon to stop him from falling. I know he was helping but I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy

my warriors and my friends came and we were all staring at him waiting for a response.

he picked the demon up and started walking away so I had to stop him

"you can come to the place my luna we need to talk about your banishment," I said in a whisper whilst Nick bowed his head in shame

"Sorry Alpha but I have to go take care of him, he has been spelled and needs help fast or he won't survive" I flinched at the word alpha cause he was being so formal and I wanted him to call me daddy or love and right now my wolf was sad

"will you be back," I asked trying to hide the disappointment in my voice

"yes but I am not sure when because I have to help him or his mate will die of grief"

"isn't he your, um...second chance mate," I asked

"no he was spelled so it affected all of him and his mate so they wouldn't find each other, he's not evil just under an influence" a feeling of relief passed through me and I had to hide the smile that crossed my face

"whose his mate," I asked

"that's for them to find out themselves alpha, but I know that she's here," he said

"it's a she, "I asked

"I've said too much my lord, if you excuse me I must leave," he said and walked away

he turned around and asked"alpha sorry for disturbing but would it be possible if you got me a room that could accompany two people," he asked. I smiled and said yes and asked when he will be back and h said a week at the most then he left again

"alpha you forgot thank him for saving our asses back there," Nick said

"we'll inform him when he comes," I said and we left for home with smiles on our faces for the luna saving us, my mate saving us

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