𝟙𝟙||The Talk

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Damons POV

I was so broken and hurt that I could care less if they laughed at my emotional state. I kept crying, waiting for Sammy response

"I will give you an hour to talk because it is not my decision to give you a chance or not" the boy, Micah was his name, said and he stormed out

I got up, dusted myself, and looked at Sammy with a tear-stained face

"Hey" I spoke softly

he stared at me for a few seconds then replied

"you look like shit," he said

I chuckled and responded"well you can't blame me for breaking down in front of my mate every once in a while now can you"

I looked up to him and saw that he had a soft smile but it left as soon as it came

"what do you want Damon" my heart leaped, the way he says my name makes me feel like a god above all

I smiled widely and said to him

"you called me by my name"

"stop dodging the question and answer me damn it" he snarled

"I want you" I whispered whilst looking down

he scoffed and said "what changed your mind, the mate bond or someone put you up to this" I'm hurt cause he doesn't trust me but that's what I get for doing that right

"No," I said

"then what, you want to keep me and use me as a slave till I drop dead"


"then what !! I need you to tell me why now, after all these years why now"


"I keep telling you that I love you but you won't listen, and I know its not the mate bond because I broke it but I could feel a connection to you" I started crying again but I continued anyway "but you know nothing about me so how can you love me," he said

"I want to be with you in every way, I want your plump soft lips against mine, your petrifying gaze and voice that send pleasurable jolts throughout my body, your tough that electrifies me and leaves me wanting more, you are more than I thought you were.

you are brave enough to go through all the trouble we gave you but you still came back not thinking if we would hurt you, you were caring enough to put your life aside to come to save us even if we don't deserve any of it,

kind enough to help the young ones and even cook for us, even give me up to Chloe for the sake of my happiness yet you are the rightful luna, strong enough to pass through all the pain of rejection and train, focusing on saving all of existence, and loving enough to give me a chance to talk even if I don't deserve it.

I wouldn't have been able to do any of that, I was a coward, a worthless alpha who hurt his mate for the sake of popularity when it wasn't even going to last. But under the moon goddesses eye, I will win you back and show you how much I've changed, if you would just give me a chance I would show you"

he said nothing

"Please?" I whispered


I stood up and was about to leave when he spoke

"I haven't answered yet you are already leaving, is this how you are going to show me you've changed" he snarled

"I thought you don't need me anymore with your second chance mate so I will let you be happy, even if it means I die" I whisper

he mumbled something that was too inaudible to hear


"I said okay, I'll give you a chance"

I ran and picked him up and twirled him whilst chanting 'thank you' and 'you won't regret it, I promise'

"just because I have given you a chance doesn't mean I have forgiven you completely it just means im willing to put your mistakes in the past " he said sternly and I put him down

"sorry" I muttered

"can we go on a date tomorrow, I want to get to know more about you," I said

"I can't, I've been too cold to the pack member so I will have to bond with them since I'll be stuck here for a while," he said

I was saddened but he quickly added

"but I have time the day after since I'm off training duty cause the king of witches, queen of fae, king and queen of fairies, King of enchanters and the other royals have learned quickly so they will train their own kingdoms, we will just be imputing 1 or 2 things and we will test their strengths every twice in 2 weeks"

"Okay, then I best be off before your 'mate' kills me," I said

"he's not "


" Nevermind , goodnight alpha," he said and I groaned and glared at him knowing exactly why

"ugh, goodnight Damon" I beamed

'tell mate to say goodnight to me to' my wolf said, clearly jealous at the fact that his mate doesn't know his name

"my wolf is jealous cause you didn't say goodnight to him" I chuckled

"Goodnight to you too Roya"

I was stunned

"How did you-"

"I know many things Damon" he replied but I just shook it off

"goodnight sweethea- um I mean, Sammy" I gulped and ran out of his room as fast as I could

I jumped on my bed with a smile on my face

my mate had given me a second chance and I will use it wisely

i wont let you go again my beautiful yet sinful temptation





....never again

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