𝟠||Dreaded lands,heavy bondings

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Damons POV

We left early heading to the dark mist pack and throughout the way, I tried making a conversation with sam but it's as if he had a one-word answer for everything and it would easily shut down the topic.

we arrived and we were greeted by their alpha, alpha Dreadbane

"morning my kings, thank you for coming, I wanted to discuss this dilemma because it is causing my pack to panic and many are losing family members," the alpha said

"We don't know how they are managing this without being noticed by any of the warriors but we suspect its someone powerful cause, not even the witches can see who it is," he said

"they indeed are working with someone powerful but I don't think we will ever find out who it is till the battle, "Sammy said and I turned to look at the alpha

his face flashed with relief and evil but it was gone in a second so I just brushed it off

"our only hope is that they do not send their most powerful allies because that will surely weaken us especially if we were trapped in one house and nowhere to escape," Sammy said and I could tell he was onto something especially if he just gave out such information that could weaken us all

"then we will have to be more careful, put some guards around the area and corner the place and hopefully we will get some results," I said and with that I ended the meeting, hoping to take Sammy somewhere before he just vanished

I walked outside and grabbed Sammy's hand before he ran away

"Hey Sammy can I um, can I .sorry I'm nervous," I sighed whilst he looked bored making me even more nervous

"Can I take you out for, um, you know lunch," and added quickly" AS Friends of course!!"I rubbed my neck sheepishly and continued

"so that we can you know, get to know each other and um, become friends or at least settle um will you" he looked at me then answered

"No" and turned away

then I grabbed him and pushed him to the wall and said

"please Sammy, I know what I have done in the past, I know that I hurt you when I was meant to be the one to protect you, I know I let everyone walk all over you when I was meant to stop them, I'm sorry for being bad at both alpha and mate but please give me another chance, help me be a better alpha and mate" I was crying by now but all he did was stare

"Please forgive me" I whispered and he answered

"I had forgiven you the moment I left the pack," he said and I was shocked, if he forgave us why isn't he talking to us

"I had forgiven all of you a long time ago but" he sighed and continued

"I forgave you Alpha, but that doesn't mean I want you back in my life, you hurt me soo, soo bad and I don't think I will ever recover, I was hurt with the pains of rejection and you sleeping with your luna day and night because I was the one meant to be under you," he said

"I was so hurt that I vowed to never love again and I'm sorry but if I ever fall in love with you ever again, just know it's because the moon goddess has cursed us with the stupid mate bond and she doesn't want to set us free. what if what you are doing is because of the mate bond" he asked but I knew the answer

"if it was the mate bond it wouldn't have taken me time to see just how important you are to me, yes it plays a part but it's us who choose how to treat it and I chose wrong so I want to make up for it," I said and he looked at me and said

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