𝟞|| Training

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Damons POV

 I woke up really sad from what Micah had said.

he was right, I rejected my mate and hurt him and now I just expect to get him back without trying. I need to get him back before it's too late.

I walk to their room and open it slightly without knocking only to see my mate and that bitch spooning in bed. I was so angry that I nearly slammed the door but closed it softly. I head down to get breakfast and found my friends and the demon sitting by the table

"did you get the other supernaturals to bring their troupes"I asked my delta

"Yes alpha, they should be arriving in an hour and then we can get our lun-Sammy to train us" he seemed sad at not using the word luna and I understood his feelings.

"have you made breakfast for your luna" and that's when Chloe walks in

"yes have you made me breakfast because I am hungry," she said

"you are not the luna anymore Sammy is the true luna so I was referring to him not you, only he deserved the true title, get that in your thick head, "I said

"ugh I see you're still thinking of that bitch" she said

"if you weren't carrying my child I would have killed you this instant" I shouted in my alpha voice and she whimpered

as if on queue Sammy and the bitch Micah walked in

they came and greeted us

"good morning Alpha, Luna, beta, delta, lead warrior" they bowed

"Please just call us by our names, "I said but they just ignored it

"Please just wait our helpers will bring us breakfast," I said

"I would love to help," he said and left to help the helpers and Micah followed like a lost dog, ugh I should be the one doing that

We ate in silence and after that Sammy offered to wash the dishes and we all tried to say no because he is the luna, even the helpers tried but he just kept on working and even told most of the helpers to go and rest cause they will be training soon which did make sense

The reason he needs everyone even the youngest or the weakest to train is that they need to know how to protect themselves when necessary during the war

we all sat admiring the luna for her kindness when Micah stood up and went to hug him from behind as if they were a couple. Everyone was shocked but I was just pissed

why doesn't just leave him alone?

Micah whispered something into his ear that caused Sammy to roll his eyes

"you idiot, "Sammy said and Micah laughed, I'm so jealous

when Sammy finished we went to meet all supernaturals outside and he spoke

Sammys POV

"I am sure you are aware why you have come" I asked and they nodded

"without wasting any more time I will train the wolves, Micah shall train the fae and elves and Lucian shall train the witches, witches and fae you shall practice your magic with your teachers and combat skills and we will spar to see your progress"

they all separated and the witches along with Lucian went to  the woods, the fae with Micah were by the training grounds, they trained outside because they are using magic and we will train in the arena 

"I need your strongest warrior" I asked and everyone said the name Derek

I saw the man that hit me coming forward with a smirk on his face

"since he is your strongest warrior I will test his skill and see how effective it is, Derek I want you to attack me and dont hold back" I said he smirked and said" gladly"

"wont you get hurt, he is the strongest warrior and he hurt you the last time " the beta said but i ignored him

"lash it out and dont hold back, I need to see how strong you are" I said 

he ran to me about to punch me and I side stepped him causing him to fall forwards

"lucky move, now im going to get you" he said and ran to me throwing punch after punch but missing

i decided to attack him so when he came running I did a flip in the air landing behind him and i kicked his legs and he fell. Everyone was looking shocked ,along with the alpha, beta and all high rankers and so did he but he got up and charged at me

he threw a punch and I side stepped him, grabbed his hand twisted it around till he was on his knees screaming in pain, looking terrified

I released him and I told him that he can leave but he was too prideful and game charging at me again, this time however I caught his hand and punched him so hard that his nose broke and he started screaming again.

then I bent down and forcefully pulled his nose back to its place causing him to scream in pain even more. The pack doctors came running and were about to help him when I said

"bandage his nose but do not give him any medicine or treatment. Since I have placed it back only the pain remains and he has to learn how to control it till it heals itself" they nodded and did as I said

then left him there, I went to him and helped him get up, what, I may be strict but im not mean and heartless you know

he stared at me looking terrified and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and helped him to the take a seat

"not I want the beta to come" everyone was shocked at what I said and he did but he came to me

like derek I hit but I didn't punch hos nose but I strained his leg enough for him to limp for a whole day

"alpha, I need to test your skills" he nodded and came forward

although he was tougher than the rest, the only thing he had managed to do to me was leave a single punch that landed on my arm. when I finished I paired everyone up with their sparing partner

"the person you are with will be the one you will work and train with for the next 3 months so you need to learn to get along" I said

"first rule is to never jump in to a fight without a strategy because it will lead to you and the people you're with to a tragic downfall"

I told them the basic rule of fighting and to always watch our opponents every move and be prepared with whatever they throw at us

I taught them some basic moves that were simple but effective, I made most of the moves up when I was training but they were a huge impact

"Sammy... um, I um I-would you be my sparring partner" Alpha damon asked and I realized he was the only one I hadn't paired with and it seemed I was the only one so I agreed 

we trained from morning to sunset, of course there were small breaks and they also had lunch cause I made them food with the help of alpha damon who kept on following me everywhere and his excuse...'I won't have a sparring partner so I might as well help you'

He tried generating a conversation but just gave him one word answers

now im make them dinner since they finished training about an hour ago and the other supernaturals returned to their homes that weren't wolves or living with the pack.

as usual micah is helping me along with lucian because the others needed to rest cause they have a long year ahead of them

and just like that, the preparations began

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