𝟚𝟞|| Midnight 'dancing'

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Sammy's POV

Once we killed every single demon, witch, vampire, and rogue, Micah cast a spell to burn every single rogue on the area and he made sure to leave a message on the head witches burnt body for the underworld to see

I walked into my room and heard noises

no doubt they are at it again

that asshole is ruining the room we are meant to be sharing.

I decided to go and sleep by the couch when someone grabbed my arm

I turned to see who it was and I saw a shirtless Damon standing there

"you can always sleep in my room you know," he said

"I don't want to intrude-" he cut me off

"No, you aren't intruding anything, the room is mine as it is yours," he said.

I sighed and followed him knowing he would pester me till I said yes and right now I am not in the mood to be fighting with him

I got in and I heard the door lock

"can we watch a movie, "I asked

"sure, anything in particular, "He asked

"nope" I picked up a case with a strange title on it

"what's Fifty Shades Of Grey about" I asked

He ran up to me and took the disk from my hand

"i-its nothing, you don't know what that is, "he asked

"Nope," I said popping the p

"you so innocent" he mumbled and continued

"how about we watch an Avengers movie instead," he said

we eventually ended up watching the Avengers Infinity War and I found the movie quite sad but luckily there was a continuation on the Avengers endgame.

I was satisfied with the ending but I was kinda annoyed by the fact that most of the solutions that could have been solved easily were all avoided only to make bigger problems, but where's the action if it goes the way I want right?

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a pair of soft lips against mine

I immediately kissed back

and soon it turned into something I did not expect what was to happen next

__________⚠ SMUT!! ⚠__________

we were so into the kiss that i never even realized we were now shirtless. Damon started to trail kissed down from my neck all the way down

he was about to pull my boxers down when I stopped him and I pushed him down on the bed

I slowly slid his pants down and a huge cock sprung and hit my face leaking with precum

it was glorious, I wonder of that will fit in my ass

I slowly licked his ball and trailed up to his tip. He was moaning and I was loving the face he was making

I was now deep throating him and it was amazing.  before he was about to cum I pulled out with a pop

he whined

I slowly stood up and removed the rest of my clothing and sat on his lap

"Sam are you sure you want to-AAH!"I cut him of by pushing my self down his dick in one go 

I started riding him and we were both moaning loudly.

He changed our positions and I was now on my hands and knees

and he hit my prostate

I screamed

"found it" 

"shut up and fuck me" I said 

"someone's a little needy today" he smirked but obliged either way

he started slamming himself into me,hitting my prostate over and over again

"AAH Damien yess right there"I shouted


"you love my cock inside you don't you" he asked ramming into me with an abnormal pace hitting my prostate


and over

"yes I do my alpha" and he lost it

"whose your alpha" he asked slamming into me harder than ever, I was loving every single second

"you, you will be the only alpha I will ever have"

"good, cause  you will be the only luna I will ever love" and he cummed into me

__________⚠ SMUT OVER ⚠__________

we were at it till three in the morning and when he was about to mark me i came back to my senses

"STOP!"I shouted

"you can't mark me yet" I said

"I-I thought you-,was I just another fuck? "he whispered

"NO!, no you weren't its just complicated and I can't let you mark me just yet" I said and he got off me

I couldn't let him mark me yet cause he would know who I was and it would put a lot of people including him in danger especially if he made it slip who I was by accident and this war would not have a surprise on our side if they figure out a way to stop me before its too late

"I-I'm gonna sleep in the guest room" he said

"Damien wait- i will explain to you later"

he slammed the door and i fell onto the bed

what a night

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