𝟚𝟚||Too many markings

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I woke up to see Sammy still snuggled up to me and I smiled

"Morning babe," I said

"he scowled but didn't open his eyes and I smiled

"come on babe today is when you take over as luna so we need to prepare remember

I smiled widely saying that

yesterday he had mentioned he was going to rule with me and I was ecstatic.

"shut up and go to sleep, this is the first time I've slept without nightmares of the past so I need this," he said and I immediately scowled, I caused him to lack sleep

"don't even try being sad right now cause I said I forgive you already, "He said and I looked to see him snuggled in my chest and smiled, he was so small and cute.

My missing piece to my puzzle

"I can't not be sad cause I caused you pain so I need to make sure I give you the happiest like ever, I'm sorry for being a jerk, I won't promise not to hurt you cause I know we will have fights over the slightest things like who will take care of our future babies or how you will punish me by saying no sex for a week or how you say you will never touch me again when you give birth but I promise to never let your pain last," I said and I looked to see him crying

"Are you okay, did I say something wrong?" I said but he looked up to me and smiled with tears going down his cheeks

he kissed me and the kiss was filled with forgiveness and love

"I promise to love you forever Sammy Lockwood," I said

"and I you" he replied and we kissed again

__________⚠ SMUT!! ⚠__________

soon it got heated and I started kissing his chest, making sure he had as many marks as I could fit on his skin till I got to his neck and he was moaning whilst grinding me

I got hard really fast and started grinding faster

time passed and I was cumming

"~i-I'm gonna c-AAAH!!~"Sammy shouted and I groaned cumming along with him

"wanna shower together," I said cause I was still horny

"yes," he said and we walked to the bathroom

"We stripped and got in. Sammy unintentionally rubbed hiss cute round butt on my cock and it immediately twitched causing me to moan and push myself further onto him and he moaned.

I turned him around and knelt down and started stroking his dick

"~aah D-Damon," he said and I took his head into my mouth

"~ugh s-stop aah~ stop teasing me" I smirked then I took his whole dick till it hit the back of my throat causing him to moan

I started bobbing my head back and forth and Sammy put his hands on my head and tugged on it causing me to moan, sending vibrations through his cock and he cried out loud

"Damon f-faster, go faster!" he said and I obliged and he started moaning loudly and I started stroking myself at his facial expression


"Damon I-Damon I'm gonna ahhh I'm gonna CUM!!!" he screamed cumming right into my mouth and I swallowed.

he tastes like strawberry mint

and I like it, I'm probably addicted to it now

I stayed whilst he was cumming enjoying and moaning at the taste

I kept on sucking him roughly till I was sure he wasn't going to come anymore

we washed off and changed and I gave him my clothes cause he might not want to walk into his room for another 5 hours

__________⚠ SMUT OVER ⚠__________

we walked downstairs to find everyone eating

they all stared at us and at Sammys' clothing

"I see you had fun last night," Silva said and I glared at him.

Sammy stared blankly but if you look you would see his cheeks a very light shade of pink so you wouldn't notice it that much

"no, I just couldn't get into my room cause there were unpleasant animal sounds coming out when I opened the door," he said and Micah chocked on his water and Silva blushed whilst patting Micah's back

"and if I stayed longer I would have thought you stuffed a whole zoo in my room so I went to Damon's room instead" I smiled brightly when he said my name and everyone around us gasped

"you never call him Damon," Micah said

"well we decided to get to know each other till the animals decided to leave my room and I thought it would most probably happen tomorrow" he glared and Silva and Micah looked down blushing

"So how was everyone else' night," he asked and I stiffed a laugh and he elbowed my stomach to shut me up but everyone could see that he was trying to stifle a laugh

"what do you mean, "Lucian asked

"well I think we reached the mating season last night but I also heard many animals coming from each of your rooms," I said

Alice got up and walked to get water and Luke went with her but Sammy stopped them with a question loud enough to draw attention to them

"Oh Luke, Alice! why are you guys walking like that, did you get fall on your ass" he asked and a few people were laughing already knowing what was the issue

"Max, Lucian what did you do to them to make them walk like that" I asked

"Mmmm I wonder" Sammy replied and Sammy and max were blushing like crazy whilst Luke and Alice speed-walked out to goddess knows where

"Now Silva and Micah 

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