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Dios mio!" Elizabeth exclaimed, standing up from the couch slowly. "It's 2am." Zach and Justin were passed out on the couch, she shook Justin gently, doing the same to Zach. "I'm starving, should we order?"

"Me too," Zach groaned, rubbing his eyes. "My treat." He pulled his phone out, dragging himself outside. Justin stood up and followed Elizabeth to the kitchen, sitting at the island and watching her as she made them both some coffee.

"El, I'm sorry for today." He slurred. She couldn't really tell if it was due to just waking up, or whether he was still somewhat high. "You're such a great friend, and if being friends with you ruins my relationship because of Jess' jealousy, so be it. I was doing this to protect you from insults and weird looks."

"That's sweet, Justin." She mumbled, handing him a coffee. Zach had entered the kitchen, collecting the second mug of coffee, which was supposed to be hers.

"Pizza is on the way." He called out. "I also got mozzarella sticks, garlic knots, wings, and a shit load of curly fries." Justin moaned in delight, sipping on the coffee.

"I'm no longer going to Monet's for coffee. I'm coming here." She giggled and blushed, hiding her face with her hands. Justin complimenting her made her feel like jelly on a plate.

"Beth, you're like the coolest chick on the planet." Zach spoke, wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulder. She smiled at him, her eyes widening when he pulled her in for a squeeze. "Is it cool if I stay the night? I'll grab my things from my car." Without a single response, he left.

"I can't disagree." Justin declared.

"With what?"

"You're the coolest chick on the planet."

"Shouldn't that be Jess?"

"Should be," he whispered. "But it's not."

She didn't know how to respond to that. Luckily, she was saved by the bell, if the bell was a 6'3, higher than a kite, jock. He stumbled in, beginning to take his shirt off and undress into the clothes he was carrying.

"Zach! There's a bathroom right beside the kitchen." She shouted, covering her eyes and laughing with Justin. As he had entered the bathroom, she looked over to Justin, who was already staring.

"Again, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Justin spoke, standing up and opening his arms. She smiled and joined him, squeezing him tightly.

"And again, I forgive you." He hadn't departed from the hug for a few seconds, but it had gone from a hug, to more of a cuddle. His arms had slid to her waist, pulling her in tighter, and his head was buried into her shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

He stayed silent, continuing to take in every second of the embrace, and how right it felt. She just continued holding him, rubbing his back slowly with her small hand. Finally, he had let go and sat down, wiping his eyes. "It's been a while since I've been held like that, I'm sorry."

"Oh, Justin." She spoke softly, grazing his cheek with the pad of her thumb. He looked up at her with a hopeful look in his eye, as she smiled back down at him. "You're welcome for a hug whenever you need it."

"I'll remember that offer."

The doorbell rang, Zach almost falling over from how fast he ran to it. He collected the food, bringing it to the coffee table. The pizzas and the sides were all laid out, Elizabeth looking for a movie to watch. As the opening credits were on the screen, Zach was entranced by the myriad of food ahead of him, Justin was focused on Elizabeth. And how her eyes lit up as the movie played, the occasional twitch of her nose, and her giggles. His hand slid ever so slowly over to hers, placing it on top of hers. She looked down at his large hand covering hers, deciding to leave it there.

Justin was confused. He should feel bad, he has a girlfriend at home, who he had just argued with. And he was making a move on another girl, of whom he'd known for just over a week. But it didn't feel wrong. At all. It felt like his hand should be on hers, he should be taking in all of her little expressions, he should feel the butterflies in his stomach whenever she looked at him for more than a second.

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