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The gymnasium was beautiful. Lights, decorations, the music blasting from Tony's DJ booth. But Justin had his eyes on Elizabeth, the way her dress accentuated her figure, her long, dark hair framing her face beautifully. She was perfect. She had every quality he had hoped for; both physically and emotionally.

He walked her over the the bleachers, sitting down beside her and reaching into his blazer pocket. She watched as he fumbled around, pulling out keys, a lighter, before an envelope had emerged. Grinning widely, he handed it to her. "As promised, my finished Spanish assignment." She became excited as she opened it, careful not to rip it.

'This letter, I am writing to you, includes everything. How I feel personally, how I feel about you, how I want to feel.

There is a saying 'blood is thicker than water', meaning family is more important than friends. But my friends are my family. My mom and her dead beat boyfriend don't care for me, I live in a broken home. I can't sleep most nights, with the fighting and smashing of things. But there's always a place I can go, that I call home. And that is to you.

No matter where you are, you are my home. So early on in our friendship, you helped me with everything. It confused me at first, as to how you're so trusting of someone you've known for only a few days. But now it all makes sense. That's who you are. You are so altruistic, so kind, so vulnerable with your emotions but in a way that is confident. You are my blood now. That's who I've fallen in love with.

You're so kind to people who don't deserve it, like me, I'm the biggest fuck up, who you chose to forgive. You have a fearless attitude. You can be a badass when you need to be. And you are unapologetically you. You are everything I want and more. You are the person I have fallen in love with, and who I want to be with.

I love you.'

Elizabeth hadn't noticed her almost ruined makeup. She wiped her eyes and looked up to Justin, who looked like he was about to burst into tears. "I got a B on that. Because of you."

"No, Justin. Because of you." She replied. "Thank you for this, this is unbelievably beautiful." She grabbed his hand, leading him to the dance floor. He exchanged a glance with Tony, the music stopping and fading into 'True - Spandau Ballet'. Looking up at him with a smile, she matched his face. "How did you know?"

"How did I not know? You played it three times on the car ride home from the grocery store." He laughed. Their bodies swayed to the song, Justin lightly singing along with her. "Elizabeth, I don't want to do this for revenge anymore, I want this to be real." She shared a glance with him, leaning up to kiss him. It felt like it lasted a good part of five minutes, but after a few seconds, their lips departed.

"Let's take it slowly, then. One day at a time." She replied. The rest of the dance was filled with laughing, Elizabeth ended up having a short dance with all of her friends, before they all bunched up as a group to jump around. Justin was glad he didn't have to force things, not that he was forcing it, but everything was now 100% genuine.

broken home - j.f✔️Where stories live. Discover now