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"So," Sofia started, dragging her fork underneath the rice on her plate and scooping up an appropriate amount. "You're both doing finals, I hear, is their any finals you're most nervous for?" Justin looked over to Elizabeth, who's eyes widened.

"I actually had the worst one today, biology. I had a meltdown." Elizabeth explained. "Biology is really important to me, it's something I've always wanted to pursue. And I felt like I ruined it today." This was the first her dad was hearing of it too. There was a silence and they processed what she had said.

"Finals are terrifying, especially because of how important they are. But the more you worry, the more of a chance there is to panic in the exam and ruin it. I'm sure you did great, you seem extremely articulate and smart from what I've heard." Sofia explained, glancing over to Victor. Who smiled at them both.

The dinner had finished, Victor had taken Sofia home whilst Justin and Elizabeth were clearing dirty dishes. Justin looked tired, his eyes were half closed and his body slumped against the island. Elizabeth had giggled and led him upstairs. He immediately flopped onto the bed to sleep, his head digging between the two pillows. She eventually joined him under the sheets, pressing small kisses to his cheek.


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