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"What the fuck happened, El?" Justin questioned as he entered their bedroom. After her disappearing act, he left many voicemails and texts trying to figure out where she was. He drove all around town looking for her, at Monet's, Rosie's, texting friends to see if they were with Elizabeth. Finally, he checked their home. And found her crying on the floor of the bathroom.

"That fucking exam," She cried out, her voice hoarse and fragile. "I ruined it. I panicked, the questions weren't making sense. Every time I thought I was getting somewhere, I doubt myself." She was wiping the tears from her face as Justin cradled her. He leant against the hard glass shower door, running his hand up and down her back as her body shook from her sobs.

"I'm sure you did fine. Your nerves are tricking you." Justin mentioned, kissing her head. "Just breathe."

"Because I'm so smart? Justin, that's what's putting pressure on me. You repeat that, but what happens when I sit my next exam and I fail. What happens when I get my scores, and I've failed?" She shouted. She had gotten to her feet, tears coating her cheeks.

Justin faltered as he followed her to the bedroom. "I just don't want you to freak out."

"But I am! I'm freaking out, these tests mean everything." Her arms flying around. She grabbed her keys, leaving Justin to himself in the room. She knew it was a bad idea to be driving whilst she was so emotional. She couldn't even decided how she felt; upset, angry, embarrassed.

Her hands on the wheel, she sobbed. She couldn't even leave her driveway. That was until her father had pulled in, before giving him a second look, she sped off. To Monet's. A nice, warm coffee is all she needed right now. And as she sat at the small round table in the corner of the cafe, a large breathe out had calmed her. But guilt came rushing in. She freaked out on Justin, all he did was try to help.

The gulp of coffee burnt her tongue, which she felt like she deserved, and she heard the chair opposite her scrape against the floor. She darted her eyes to the man ahead of her, Justin, who smiled and sat at the table quietly.

"I'm sorry," she admitted, staring into his eyes intently. He reached his hand out to grab hers, her fingers abandoning the mug and grasping his hand. "I'm really overwhelmed, but that was no reason to lash out." He almost chuckled, his fingers still tightly weaved between hers.

"Don't sweat it." He replied. A weight lifted from her shoulders as he smiled at her. "Finals are stressful, I'm just as worried, you just need to relax." She took another sip from her coffee, he watched as her empty mug reconnected with the table. "Also, your dad arrived home with a woman. He told me to come get you, so he can introduce her."

"A woman? Like.. a girlfriend?" Justin nodded and stood up, grabbing her hand. They drove home separately, as they both took their cars, and parked in the driveway.

As they entered the house, there was laughter and quiet voices coming from the living room. Elizabeth had come to meet a woman; not too short, dark brown hair, almost black hair, and beautifully tanned skin. And beside the woman was Elizabeth's dad, smiling happily. Elizabeth couldn't keep the smile off of her own face.

"El, Justin. This is Sofia, my girlfriend." Her dad mentioned, grabbing the woman's hand. Both Justin and Elizabeth approached her, shaking her hands and introducing themselves politely. "She's staying for dinner tonight, if that's okay." Elizabeth shared a glance with Justin.

"Of course, Justin and I will be studying in our room." She spoke, leading Justin up to their room and leaping onto their bed. Justin had laid next to her, grabbing her hand and placing it on his chest. "I'm really happy for them both."

"Me too, your dad is a great guy." Justin added, the couple giggling before sitting up. "Let's get to studying." He grabbed the pile of flash cards from his desk and held them close to his chest, returning to his seat opposite Elizabeth. "I'll read the question, you answer." As Elizabeth nodded, he read over the question on the first card.

It seemed innocent and completely normal to Elizabeth, but as he flipped to the last card, a smile appeared on his face. He presumed her answer already, but why was he nervous. "Okay last question, will you go to prom with me?" There was a pause, which Justin couldn't read. Was it shocked, in a good way?

"Of course I will." She smiled and brought her face closer to his, sharing a kiss with him.

broken home - j.f✔️Where stories live. Discover now