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It was the day of the winter formal, Elizabeth had arrived at school with Clay. Who were copying answers from each other for their biology homework. She spotted Justin, waiting by her locker with a rose in hand. Blushing, she approached him with a sweet smile. "For you, angel."

"Thank you, Justin." She took the rose in hand, smelling the soft petals before embracing him. "I can't wait for tonight." She grabbed her biology book from her locker, walking alongside him to her class. They were holding hands, which had become a habit, it felt like they were no longer doing this for Jessica. But neither of them were complaining.

"Is there anything I should bring to your house? Or say to your dad?" He questioned. She chuckled, leaning against the wall beside the biology door. Placing a hand on his chest, she looked up at his puzzled, innocent face.

"He speaks more Spanish than English, so if you need a translation, just look at me." She informed. "And I'm sure he'll love you, he loves Zach." Winking at him, she entered her classroom and left him to worry about tonight. 

"I'll see you soon, J." She called out, waving out of her window and drove home. Her dad wouldn't be home for a while, and the dance didn't start for another few hours. She was nervous, for Justin's reaction to her dress, how her dad would react to Justin, she was hoping he would like him. That was the most important thing for her.

She had gotten into the shower, wanting her hair to be in the best condition possible. She'd used many hair products to get it to be somewhat tameable. Finally getting out, she'd wrapped herself in a robe and started on her hair. Creams, drying, sprays, and straighteners. Elizabeth was far from good at makeup, the most she would use would be gloss and some mascara. Her mom was good at these things. She had used a few dark colours on her eyes, a gloss, and some face makeup.

Justin: I can't wait to see you.


Blushing at the message, she slipped on her dress. Standing in front of the mirror to get a better look at herself, she had realised how much she'd grown. She looked just like her mom, when she was younger. Smiling at her reflection, she slipped her heels on and sat on her bed.

Liberty's Finest

Is anybody ready?

Zach: Yes, it took me five minutes to put the suit on.

Monty: I think all the boys are ready. I'm riding with Bryce, Scott, and a few others.

Justin: I'm taking Elizabeth.

Zach: I'm going with Charlie and Alex.

Jess: Sheri, Chloe and I are going, I know Clay and Ani are going together.

I'm ready, it took me about an hour to figure out how to do my makeup.

Justin: I bet you look lovely anyway, on my way.

The nerves were kicking in, for the both of them, Justin had arrived on the doorstep. Knocking gently, her dad had answered. "I'm here for Eizabeth."

"You must be Justin, bienvenido." Her dad cheered, opening the door as Justin stepped in. He couldn't understand the last word, but smiled regardless. The pair waited in a silence that he couldn't describe, it wasn't an awkward silence, more comfortable. "So, Elizabeth says you play sports." He commented.

"Uh, yeah. I'm on the football team. We play a range of sports, like football, baseball, basketball." Justin explained. "I prefer football, it's so much more thrilling." Her dad placed his arm around his shoulder, walking him over to the couch.

"Football is my favourite! I'll have to watch your next game." Her dad raved, a smile on his face. It was only a few minutes before Elizabeth opened her bedroom door and began the slow walk down the stairs.

Justin couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She looked like a princess. As she slowly walked down the stairs, he held his hand out for her to take, walking down the last two steps. "You look beautiful," he mumbled, kissing her cheek. "I mean that."

"Thank you, J." She blushed, linking arms with him and handing him her keys. "I'm not sure what time we'll be home, but don't wait up. I love you dad." She embraced her father, smiling sweetly at him. She was always grateful for his support, and he was hardly strict. More supportive than anything.

"I love you too, mija." Her dad cheered, opening the door for them. Justin had opened the passenger door, helping her and her long, black dress into the car, before getting into the drivers seat. They waved as Justin drove down the road.

"You look handsome, I really like triple black on you." Elizabeth complimented, grazing the material of his blazer with her thumb.

"Black is a nice tone on the both of us," he added. "We're so the best looking couple there." The pair giggled, Justin's hand sliding to grab hers. With a smile on their faces, they were ready to enjoy the dance.

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