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Winter looked longingly at the majestic Ice Palace he used to call home. He wished Snowfall would have let him live here again, but it was okay. His visits to Hailstorm were enough so he could keep his life here fresh in his memory. He still remembered being a a tiny dragonet, play fighting with Lynx and his sister. Icicle, oh, how sorry he had felt. Winter always visited her when he went to go hunt with Hailstorm, and always brought her a much better piece of kill then what she was supposed to get. He continued flying towards the palace, eventually reaching the wall protecting the palace. The gift of defense. He flew over to the guards and said politely "I've come to visit Prince Hailstorm." Once they nodded, approving of him to come inside, he headed towards Hailstorm's room. Hailstorm was arranging his polar bear skins when Winter came in. "Winter!" He exclaimed pulling his little brother into a hug. "I love it when you visit! All the time I have to act formal cause of y'know prince stuff. With you I can be normal!"

 Winter smiled and said, "Well, you look busy." Pointing at the stack of Polar bear skins. 

"Of course not! I was just bored! So, how you been doing with that Scavenger village?" Hailstorm said changing the topic.

And that was how all their visits began, with friendly conversation transitioning into hunting and then, gossiping. Once Winter was about to leave, he caught the eye of Lynx. Lynx Gave him a friendly smile and she walked over to him. 

"Long time, no see, huh?" She said to Winter.

"Yea, it's been awhile." Winter responded. Just ahead of them was the nursery, and he could see little dragonets squealing as they pretended they were fighting. 

"That used to be us," Lynx said laughing as she nodded towards the nursery.

"I wish it could still be like that, Without having to worry about what is up with your sister who is in jail. Or thinking about the times your mom would still talk to you, even if she was scolding you. Being able to live this majestic palace. You probably don't have that problem though." Winter sighed.

"No,no. I wish it was still like that too, with no expectations weighing you down." Lynx said sitting down right next to him.

Winter unconsciously leaned on Lynx and she didn't pull away. Even when he did realize, he just sighed. 

"It's nice to have someone to talk to. Hailstorm is the best person to go to unless you are worried that your fighting or hunting skills aren't good enough."

Lynx nodded and after a while Winter stood up.

"Snowfall is probably gonna need you soon enough so, I ought to go."

And almost as if Winter had predicted the future, Suddenly Snowfall called Lynx over and she had to go.

"Your right. This is what happens when your the majesty's best friend." She said apologetically 

"I'll see you again soon Lynx." Winter said casually and headed for the exit. 

"You too," Lynx replied looking back over her shoulder.

As Winter turned back to look at her, he imagined that Lynx was blushing slightly. Of course, that would be ridiculous.

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