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I yawn as I stretched my exhausted wings. The weather was perfect, the sun was barely visible and a flakes of snow were silently drifting in the wind. This is why, even though he had come to know of all positives of the other tribes, no one could outmatch IceWings and their terrain. I mean, even if you aren't a fan of Icewings, well, you can't deny, they were one of the strongest best tribes there was. First of all, no one could raid their territory because of the climate and the animus touched wall. And in battle,  if you were a talented Icewing, you could defeat any type of dragon. Sandwing? Freeze the tail barb and and then kill him. Seawing? Force him to come out of the water and then defeat him in the sky, preferably with frostbreath. Nightwing? Frost breath into their mouths while they are gloating and they are as good as dead. RainWing? Well, as long as you attack from behind, your venom-free and have put your opponent to sleep, probably with frostbreath. Skywing? Lead them into our cold territory, the wind and hail will make their ability to fly as good as a Seawings. Lastly, a Mudwing? Ah well, as long as your doing long distance, frostbreath, you'll be fine. As you can see, frostbreath is an essential. It was just too bad that I had to leave. But it wasn't just the palace I would miss. I would miss Hailstorm, Icicle, and Lynx. Lynx probably the most of all, she was the only person, other then family, that Winter had a actually gotten close to. And well, sure, I was upset that Moon had just forgotten the fact he sacrificed literally all he had worked for his entire life, and just glossed over it. It was still ok, because he had Lynx, and she was good enough. Good enough? No. She was perfect. Perfect was an understatement. What is better then perfect? As I was rummaging through my vast vocabulary until I stepped outside. I lost my train of thought immediately.

Lynx was discussing something with the guard outside the exit to the palace. She was magnificent, almost unreal how perfect she was. She probably the only dragon, other then Qibli, who could pull of freckles like that. And her soft smile she always so genuine, how does she do it? Winter gently, but swiftly, padded over to Lynx and smiled. A genuine one. Huh. I rarely did so this was something new. It sure wasn't how I felt when I had started crushing on Moon, this was much more different, more passionate.                                                                                                             "Hey." I said curtly, confused as to why she wasn't hanging out with with Snowfall.

"Oh, hi!" Lynx said and I could notice a hint of worry I her voice. I had gotten good at that, being able see to how people were feeling even when they tried to hide it, especially when I was doing a whole lot of it myself. After father died, even Qibli was unable to read me, and that, is something. Maybe his powers had transferred to me like one of those cheesy stories Turtle's mom makes.

"So, what's on your mind? Shouldn't you be with Snowfall?" I say.

"Well, um, can we take this conversation outside ?" She said which mentally gave me the message that "dude, serious biz, we need to be isolated ASAP"  It was like a secret ability we had since our friendship was made. 

"Sure, lets go to the training grounds!" I said which gave her the message that "ok, how bout the snowy mountains just ahead of the training grounds?"  

"Sweet!" She said and we both flew out the exit. I was bored so I did a few flips in the air while we were flying, but Lynx was solemn and unreadable. There was definitely something wrong, and I felt like I ought to know. Like how whenever Moon goes through really weird mood swings, yeah I dodged a bullet there, Qibli was always there to comfort her. And now, I felt like I was Qibli, supposed to comfort Lynx, but how, and why?

Little did he know, he was the one who was gonna need a bunch of hugs after this.

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