Author's Note

940 4 18

Hello my dudes,

So, I've been working on skool, not crying over the fact that Bakugo and Todoroki aren't real, living, reading fanfiction, shifting, and writing fanfic. So I took a very big break. I am pausing this fanfic because I have dedicated my entire will to live on the drafts for my Lucius x Sirius fanfic and if you think I am crazy for shipping them just read the first chapter. Anyway, I will come back and finish this fanfic eventually it's just that I have a huge plan for my Lucius x Sirius fanfic and I'm really going with the flow for this one. This is super short with only around 200 words but I just wanted to inform y'all of this. I will be coming back though so please do not worry and do not put any hate on the comments please, I have an ego but it's fragile ok 😅.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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