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Lynx's heart was doing literal backflips, she had just had a great conversation with Winter and he even asked her if they should meet up again sometime! Winter had been her secret crush since the day she hatched. He was the first dragon she saw and they would spend days hanging out and training to be the very best fighters in Icewings history. Of course, as they grew older, they slowly separated. Either because of Winter's strict parents or Snowfall wanting to get Lynx away from Winter every chance she could get. But today, oh, everything had changed. 

"Lynx! I need you!" Snowfall said from her room. 

Snowfall was a awesome friend, and going to be a great queen, but sometimes she ruined the moment. Especially when they were younger. It didn't matter now though, Winter had asked her to hangout later and soon enough, she would reveal her feelings to him. With that, Lynx went to go help Snowfall.

When she was done, she couldn't forget about what Winter had said to her. Suddenly, she remembered something. When Winter had gone to Jade Mountain Academy, he been especially close to a Nightwing. He had been much more like his normal self. However, when he came to have his daily visits, he looked as if he had lost something valuable and it was all his fault. At first, Lynx had convinced herself it had been about Icicle. She knew, deep down, he had been in love. 

"Lynx! Look, I have to tell you something." Snowfall said to Lynx in a hushed whisper. 

"What?" Lynx asked as quietly as Snowfall.

"Look, I know you think Winter is right for you but, well, love doesn't always work out. Winter has never felt any love when it comes to anything Icewing related. He was underestimated by his parents, he spent most of his life mourning  and taking fault for his brothers disappearance and supposed death. Now, his sister is in jail and Tundra and Icicle make sure he feels just as guilty as he did feel for when Hailstorm disappeared. He will never understand your love. Listen to me."

Lynx stared at Snowfall in disbelief. "Then I'll make sure he will." She said with confidence and walked away with her head held high. "Plus, it's not like you make it any better."

With that Lynx strode away confidently. She loved Snowfall, she really did, she never wanted to leave her in the dust, but sometimes.... Lynx knew Snowfall was stating the obvious, but she would fill the hole in his heart, even if it was the last thing she did.

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