Author's Note!

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Hey, I get questions from a lot of people asking me why I ship Lynxter so here are a few answers. Also, Qinter is the superior ship and still mad Moonbli was canon.

"They barely had any moments in WoF. If you call Lynxter a ship, then Lynxfall should be a ship too!"

Look, I honestly think, for some reason, that Snowfall is asexual. She hasn't shown feelings for anyone, not that she appeared all that much, but I have more evidence. I have literally no idea who Glacier's mate is. This made believe that they had some problems. Snowfall probably knows what happened and that must've given her bad view towards having a mate. Also, badass asexual Queen Snowfall would probably be the coolest character and Tui would be making a big mistake in missing out on that opportunity. Also, they had moments that were not in the books that were probably really major. They literally grew up together. Plus, you'd think Snowfall hating on Winter, considering the fact that Snowfall is her best friend, would make Lynx mildly not like Winter, but no! They would be so cute too! Lynx would soften Winter like how Moon makes Qibli feel less insecure about himself. HOWEVER, Qinter is still the best ship, the superior ship, and Moon progressed too fast for my liking.

"They would be so boring though, I'd rather ship Anemone and Winter." (Yes, someone said that.)

They would be the greatest power couple in WoF, excuse me! First of all, Lynx is one of the rare dragons that Winter trusts that isn't in his family. She used to be the ONLY dragon he trusted outside family before JMA tbh. We would get to see the soft side of Winter way more and they would be the cutest. But not just the cute, they would be the most powerful couple, now here me out. We know Winter isn't the greatest fighter in the Icewings, but he has been established as the best fighter in the JMA gang. If a weakling in the Icewings,no offense Winter, is that strong compared to other dragons, imagine how good my girl Lynx is! She could've been a killing machine if it weren't for her sanity! The only ship/ couple I can think of that would be this strong together is Glorybringer and Qinter, and they are pretty good. 

If you have any doubts comment them and I might be able to tell you why Lynxter doesn't suck.

Also, just something to think about, every time Lynx was mentioned, Winter was in some way or another helping her, complimenting her, or with her. Just, think about it.😁

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