Still Lynx POV

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Winter always stayed for 4 days until leaving for his town and the Talons of Peace. And as luck would have it, on the third day, Hailstorm, Snowfall, ,and after some convincing, Both of Lynx's parents would go to a meeting with a few other queens. Lynx had planned the moment, every second of it. No dragon got Lynx all worked up as Winter, and the plan would go smoothly if she stayed on script. 

Winter had just been informed of Hailstorm going away the next day, and began wondering what he should do. Just as he was about to go visit Icicle, Lynx padded over to him.

"Hey, seeing as my best friend is going away, I really have nothing to do. Not that your like my back-up plan or anything," Lynx said akwardly, "But, you wanna go train together? To pass time?"

"Sure!" Winter said smiling. "I'm gonna go visit Icicle first, ok?"

"Ok! I'll see you outside." Lynx replied while doing a weird walking/running thing to the entrance.

Then she flew outside and waited near the wall surrounding the palace. Lynx couldn't stop smiling, Snowfall was wrong. Love does work out.

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