||The Rumors||

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Present Time [You are 23]
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The day was sunny and very warm. You were out with some friends. You guys decided to go to the mall to get some new clothes for a dance going on at your college. You all headed to the mall and went to a clothing store and went your separate ways to find the perfect outfit. You had gotten your clothes and headed to the food court to wait for your friends when you overheard a couple of people talking. You listened to them.

"Have you heard the rumors of Freddy Fazebear's Pizzeria?" One person said and just hearing that name caught your full attention.

"Yeah. I heard many kids and adults go missing there every day. That place gives off bad vibes when I pass it. It is extremely sketchy." Another person said in response.

"Mhm. Especially with it's dark past. I heard that 6 children where murdered by someone who the media calls, 'The purple guy'." The first person said.

"Exactly. I'm never taking my kid's there. I don't want them to go missing or murdered." Another person said.

"I'd like it to think it is safe to go there now since the purple guy died. His death is still unknown even today." The second person said.

"Even so, I'll still never take my kids there. It is too sketchy for me." The third person shrugged.

"Yeah me neither. I'm just saying." The second person said.

Soon the people stopped talking about the rumors and you lost all interest in their conversations and went back to drinking the drink you had bought. You closed your eyes and drifted into deep thought. 6 murders by a guy only known as the purple guy. His identity being sealed from everyone else even after his death. Hmm? Interesting. I've always been fascinated with the Fazbear's Pizzeria ever since I saw that animatronic. You think and throw away your now empty cup and walk out of the mall with your bag in hand. You head to your car and get in then drive in the direction of the pizzaria. Once you arrive, you park and look at the building.

"This place hasn't changed a bit. I wonder if they fixed that fox animatronic." You say and turn off your car then get out of your car and head inside, "Nothing changed in here either. Hmm?" You say to yourself and walked to the stage where the same 3 animatronic were. You stood in the back and glanced at the blue bunny known as Bonnie. I presume that the blue bunny was the one who looked at me when I was 7 years old. He hasn't changed a bit. Now that I think of it, none of them have changed. You think and place your finger under your chin.

"This place has always been mysterious. That's one reason why I have strong interests in unsolved mysteries." You whisper to yourself and look at a wall with a sign that said: "Hiring for a nightguard 10pm-6am. Please contact the manager if you are interested at: ***-*****"

"Hmm? Interesting." You jot down the number to contact the manager on a piece of paper and then left the pizzaria, not knowing that you caught the attention of one of the animals.

You head home and park your car in the driveway then go inside your house and head straight to the home phone and dial the number that you wrote on the paper. A husky male voice answered the phone startling you a little bit.

"Hello?" The male voice said. You took a deep breath thinking of what to say, "C'mon! I don't have all day!"

"I-i a-am sorry sir. Uhm, I am interested in the position for nightguard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Is it still open?" You ask.

"Yes it is. May I get your name so I can set up and interview with you tomorrow?" The male asked.

"My name is (y/n) (l/n)." You respond to him.

"Great. See you tomorrow Ms. (L/n)."  The male said then hung up. You put the home phone down and sat on your couch.

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Time skip to the interview
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You looked at the time and quickly got ready, got into your car, and drove to the pizzaria and parked your car and walked into the building. It was before opening hour so the whole pizzaria was deserted. You looked around and shivered a little due to how chilly it was in the building. You looked over to the stage and saw the animatronics powered off. You looked around and went onto the stage even though you knew it wasn't the safest decision you could make. You ran your hand down the animatronics then looked at your hand and saw it was covered in dust. You brushed it off on your pants then looked back at the animatronics and that's when you realized how tall the were.

"Well, I feel like a roach compared to these damn animatronics. They are honestly very freaky when they are powered off." You say to yourself then jump off the stage and walk towards Pirates' Cove and opened the curtain and saw that the fox animatronic was still broken.

"You're still broken. Eh? Are they too lazy to fix you?" You say to yourself and close the curtain then walk towards the manager's office and knock. You hear a deep "come in." You go in and see a grey haired man with deep brown eyes.

"Take a seat." The man said and you did exactly that.

"I am Robert Hudson, the manager of this pizzaria. You said you were interested in the position as the nightguard. Correct?" He asked.

"Yes sir." You say with a nod.

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After the interview
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The interview finally ended and the manager told you to stay for a few minutes after the interview ended and you did. The office was silent as the manager read of his notes he wrote down.
35 minutes passed before more words were spoken from the manager. He looked at you and folded his hands together.

"You seem to have very valid reasons for wanting this job so I'm just going to say, congratulations! You got the job. I expect great things from you Ms. (l/n). Here is your uniform." He grabbed a purple uniform from under his desk and handed it to you, "I hope it fits alright."

"Thank you sir! When do I start work!?" You ask, extremely excited.

"You will start tomorrow." The manager said and you nodded then left his office and walked to the entrance of the pizzaria, once again, unknowingly catching the attention of a particular animatronic.

You go home NOT knowing what the next 5 nights have in store for you...

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