||Protect Her||

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First of all, I removed the cliffhanger in the last chapter because I don't remember my true intention for that cliffhanger and this will be in Freddy's P.O.V. Also, Gabriel, Jeremy, Fritz, and Susie are all your age. They aren't little kids in this AU. Just to put that out there. Enjoy this part!!!

Freddy's P.O.V

We followed William's car all the way. Thank God we were fast runners or else it would've been impossible. He leads us to a two story house. It was very nice. No doubt about that.

I saw William still in his car so I motioned everyone to hide

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I saw William still in his car so I motioned everyone to hide. We all hid behind the a huge tree. We saw him get out of the car and walk to the door. We slowly followed. Thank God it was still semi-dark outside.
He knocked on the door and Y//N answered and that's when the yelling started. William pushed Y//N into the house and slammed the door. All of us rushed to the door.
I look at my friends with a stern expression.

"Protect her at all costs!" I say and place my hand on the door and opening it and then all four of us ran into the house.

Y//N was crying and at knife point as William kissed her neck roughly. He looked up at us and growled.

"Who are you and why are you here?!" William snapped and pointed the knife he had at us while having one arm tightly around Y//N's waist.

"Oh! Haha! You don't even recognize the kids you...MURDERED! How unfortunate!" I snap.

"What do you mean?" William asked.

"How about we refresh your mind." I say and look at all my friends who nod and look at William. We all turn into our animatronic forms.

William's eyes widen as does Y//N's eyes. William loosens his grip subconsciously. Foxy seems to notice this because he steps forward one step and grabs Y//N's hand and pulls her behind us. We all get into a protective stance around Y//N. William growls and stabs me. I look down and chuckle then look back at William.

"People can't die twice Afton." I say and continue protecting Y//N, "Now. You might want to leave before me and my friends do the worst to you."

"Really? Like what?" William smirked.

"How about leave you in the basement for years so you won't be able to see your family for another 30 years." I smirk back and then his face falls.

"Ugh! Fine! But I will make Y//N mine one way or another even if it means I have to kill her so we can be together for eternity!" William snapped and pushed passed all of us and left the house, slamming the door.

Y//N ran up to me and hugged me, "T-thank you F-freddy." She looked at the others, "Thank you to you guys as well. You all helped me."

"You're welcome Y//N. We will protect you at all costs even if it means, learning to control our killing instincts." I assured.

"You don't have to do that." Y//N said sweetly.

"We will do it. Right guys?" I say looking at my friends.

"Yes indeed. We don't want you to have the same fate as us." Bonnie nodded as well as Chica and Foxy.

"Thank you all. Would you like to stay for awhile?" Y//N asked.

We all nod and turn into our real human forms and spread across the livingroom and sat down. Y//N sat in between Foxy and I and laid her head on my lap and put her legs on Foxy's lap then fell asleep. God. She was an adorable sleeper.

So...I will no longer leave those little cliffhangers at the end of finished parts because I don't know when the next update on this book will be and I am a very forgetful person so I probably won't remember my reason for writing that cliffhanger which is the main reason why I won't be doing them anymore.
Anyways, I'm sorry for this sorta short chapter. I really had no worthy idea to put into this part but hopefully the next part will be a little longer. Can you guys help get my motivation back up so I can write longer parts in ALL of my books? That would be greatly appreciated although you guys aren't required. I'm just asking for a little help with my motivation.
Bye everyone!

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