||"Love me not them!"||

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Who knew people would enjoy this trash book. I certainly didn't! Thank you for all the reads on this book! It means a lot to me! I don't think you guys know how much I appreciated all your guy's comments, votes, and etc.

The next day rolled around and the sun beamed brightly through the window of (your name)'s livingroom. She woke up slowly and looked around at all the others in the room. She realized she was laying in the lap of Freddy. Her face turned a crimson red. This is embarrassing! She thought as she sat up slowly being careful not to wake up Freddy and Foxy. She got up with success of not waking them up but she fell and made a loud thump sound when she made impact with the ground which woke all of them up. They all looked at her with their various colored eyes. Freddy was immediately at her side.

"Are you okay (nickname)?!" Freddy asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry for waking all of you up. I wasn't meaning to." (Your name) apologized as she stood up on her feet again.

"Don't worry about it. We were all going to wake up anyways and get back to the pizzaria before opening time." Freddy said and the others nodded in agreement as the stood up.

"Would you like to come with us lass?" Foxy asked with a smile.

"I'd love to but can you protect me from William...?" She asked, slightly fearful.

"Sure. We will put you with Goldie. He'll protect you." Freddy responded.

"Goldie?" (Your name) asked raising an eyebrow.

"Golden Freddy. He is like us. Murdered by the hands of William Afton." Freddy growls slightly.

"Do you really think that's the smartest idea. I mean Goldie does control us to kill nightguards." Bonnie said, looking at Freddy.

(A/N: I don't know if Golden Freddy actually controls the animatronics to kill nightguards. Just bear with me on this.)

(Your name) looked at Bonnie in disbelief then looked at Freddy, "You said you guys have a killer mode or something like that. You didn't tell me another animatronic controls you to kill!"

"We are sorry we didn't tell you the truth but Yes, Golden Freddy controls us to kill." Freddy sighed.

"I-I don't know what to say. Why would you put me with an animatronic that tries to kill me!?" (Your name) snapped lightly.

"If we tell him that William is after you. He'll pity you and give you mercy because he doesn't want you to go through what he had to go through." Freddy explained calmly.

(A/N: Like I said, parts of this story may not make sense so don't pound me in the comments because I'll just delete the comment.)

"Oh?" (Your name) said.

"Let's head back to the pizzeria." Chica said and everyone got onto their feet. They all towered over you, making you intimidated at their height.

"You guys are fricking tall!" (Your name) exclaims causing all of them to chuckle.

"Let's get going." Freddy said walking towards the front door and opening it for everyone to exit the house.

C'mere. I Won't Hurt Cha [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now