||Night Three||

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You woke up at 12:30pm since you hadn't gotten hardly any sleep since you started working at the pizzaria as its night guard. When you wake up, all the events from last night start flooding to you once again. Bumping into the child serial killer, the animatronics jumping in to protect you from, your short conversation with the animatronics and many events after that. You sighed at the thought of William Afton walking the earth to this day and you not being able to report him because the police thought he was dead.
You got up and got changed into some different clothes since you always seem to fall asleep in your work uniform.

You look at yourself and nod then leave your house locking the door and head to your car and drive to a local coffee shop to get some coffee since you were slightly exhausted.

You arrive at the coffee shop and park your car then head inside and order yourself a iced latte along with a muffin and go to a table to enjoy your small wake up snack.
What you didn't know though is that a certain guy in a purple tuxedo was looking at you from the other side of the coffee shop and smirked to himself and walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist tightly causing you to gasp. He let out a low and ominous chuckle.

"Miss me Princess~" he said in the same thick British accent. You knew immediately who he was. You clenched your teeth together.

"What do you want Mr. Afton?!" You hiss in a whisper.

"That's simple, I just want to have a little chat with you." He said directly into your ear. His warm breath caused goosebumps to begin appearing on your arms.

"What do you want to chat about...?" You mumble which causes William to tighten his grip on your waist.

"I didn't hear you dear...Please speak up..." He said a bit frustrated.

"What do you want to chat about?!" You say a bit louder.

"Let's talk in your car. Hmm?" He whispered.

"Fine...now let me go..." You say in a venomous voice.

"Fiesty one? Eh? That makes me a bit more challenged. I like it now let's go." He smiled and nipped your ear lightly.
You quickly pushed him away from you and stood up on your feet, leaving a tip your waiter then you leave the shop followed by William. You get in the driver's seat of your car and he gets in the passenger seat of your car. You let out a loud sigh in frustration.

"Now! For our little chit chat, what is the reason you wanted to work as a night guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"Why does that matter to you Mr. Afton?!" You glare at him.

"My dear, in case you didn't know, I own all the pizzarias in town so I'd like to know the employees at each of the pizzarias." William said, grabbing your chin with his hand.

"So, what you're saying is that you own all the pizzarias even though you are FUCKING DEAD!?" You shout.

William, without you noticing quickly pulls you onto his lap, your legs straddling him. You try to quickly get off of him but he has you firmly in his grasp. He smiles devilishly.

"Don't struggle now sweetheart~" William smirked, "Or else I'll do something worse than just sitting on my lap..."

"Ugh! Let me go! I don't want to be this close to a cold-hearted CHILD MURDERER!" You insult.

"Well, ouch. That was a shot to my non-beating heart." He pretended to be offended but you knew different.

"Don't act so offended. I know you aren't really offended because you know it is true..." you growled.

C'mere. I Won't Hurt Cha [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now