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"I think some souls have a way of connecting without our knowledge. That's why you can meet someone for the first time, but inside you just know. You know it's not the first time you've felt them".


I can't believe what has happened in the past few hours as if I really want to believe all of it

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I can't believe what has happened in the past few hours as if I really want to believe all of it. I'm really pissed off right now because of all that running; my legs seem to give up cause~~

1. They are small, unlike eunwoo who's having long stick legs with an accurate amount of flesh.

2. I'm feeling a bit dizzy

I would have been better off at my dorm sleeping, studying, making notes, eating that dried coffee packet
(ooooh!! don't find it disgusting it's just my cure of making me stay awake at night so I can study)
but no I just had to run away with him escaping his manager and his crazy spying staff that aren't able to catch us at least for now." I scoffed. I'd do anything to have those hours back that I wasted coming here.


As soon as we reached my dorm room!!
(*yeah!! Why my dorm room? Cause we were soo busy running not knowing where to go or where to hide we had a 2 min talk while panting heavily our hearts out to spend a night at a place that would be close enough from here for eunwoo to hide just for few hours----Wwooohh!! You're freaking lucky Harin*)

I managed to open a side window without tripping and made both of us climb inside my room that faced a huge park for the junior doctors to spend their few free hours. With a huff, I carefully closed the window looking around.


"This room is really small and ugly, but it'll do", said eunwoo stretching his limbs while he made himself comfortable on my bed.
(*What did he just do~~I know I should be flustered cause the one I stan is right inside my room sitting on my bed. But can't he be a little formal after all it's a girl's room~~~come on you cha star at least ask me can I sit here or there~~not even saying a thank you would take up your life~~~Is he for real like this?)

The first oath we doctors take is to help every patient of ours whenever they need us it can be any time of the day. So not showing off my fangirling side to eunwoo I decided to treat him like one of my patients to help him today so he can take a few hours away for himself from those managers of his~ (and yaa my acting does include my cold side too otherwise you'd find me clinging and nagging him and I'm in no mood of doing it now)


I quickly waved off a pair of extra nightwear on his face that I had cause they were too big for me---(* it's already been 30 mins will he come out now I too need to freshen up myself I'm soo exhausted from that heavily running---gooosshhh!! I can't even yell at him cause apparently, we're strangers right now and if I did that he'll probably find me rude aaa...nnnn....dddd I wouldn't like it myself if I'll do that*)


GOD!! Who told him to come half-naked like this---how can he do this it's just been few hours since we met and didn't I gave him an extra pair to wear so why is he using his arms to cover up his bare chest---
(*why is this situation making me soo confused---he looks soo good like this---So this is what it feels like to see an idol half-naked---it's been a while since I saw someone like this----he reminded me of the day when Jaemin once-----forget it Harin let's not talk about that*)

I caught my breath and squinted at him "no need to cover. There's no one else besides me here just wear that extra t-shirt I gave you and hop on that bed so you can sleep and let me tell you that you're the first one who's gonna sleep on that so behave properly and sleep as quickly as you can...

"Do you even know what all you said just now" he looked at me and got closer, "I won't sleep wearing that thing that you barged right into my face, no one has ever done that to me and if you're done checking me out can we sleep now, tell me which one is your side"?
This was the first time in those hours that my heart raced so fast because of him so I sighed and looked away from him casually telling him that there's no need to choose sides cause I'll probably be studying
(*you stupid little creature do you really believe yourself that you'll be able to study in a situation like this and weren't you feeling dizzy earlier*)


Within few seconds I saw him falling asleep as soon as he landed on my bed. He really looks like someone coming straight out comic but I felt something seeing him like this I had soo many questions to ask him about what has happened with him that he had to do such a thing? Stand on that ledge? To run away like this? Though he doesn't seem impolite in person despite being bold and a little bit cold. what is it exactly that he's going through? Is he having a hard time managing his schedules? Or is it that his agency has started pressing him too much about his personal life no wonder why he didn't have a single girlfriend? I glanced at him and soon went back to my desk letting him sleep peacefully~~


(*should I tell you, people, some secret I couldn't hold myself anymore, so I took some of his pics while he was sound asleep---why does he look so good even when he's sleeping*)

(*should I tell you, people, some secret I couldn't hold myself anymore, so I took some of his pics while he was sound asleep---why does he look so good even when he's sleeping*)

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* the lesser-known fact that he speaks and snores while sleeping*



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