34 2 1

"I hope you heal from the things you don't talk about anymore.
I hope you heal from the things people have stopped asking
about because you appear to be okay.
I hope you heal from the things
and people that shattered
your faith and confidence.
I hope that pain makes you
appreciate why things had to happen
the way they did.
And if you aren't there yet, I hope you get there soon."


"YYAAHHH!! eunwooyaa where the hell have you been all night?????"

"Just here & there Bin nothing serious"

"Don't you dare blur out any word Mr. Noh told me everything about you being HERE & THERE"

"What did he say this time???"

"He told us his men saw you standing on that bridge's ledge with a girl & then both of you ran away"

"Aaahhhhh!! anything else????"

"what's with your attitude Eunwoo"

"It's nothing Bin, you wanna hear the real thing it's true I was there, I was bloody standing & talking with that girl and yeahh when I saw his men approaching towards us we ran!! NOW WHATTT"

"What is happening here and will any of you dare to tell me why both of you're shouting??", Jinjin asked rushing towards them.

"Jinjin Hyung you know what Mr. Noh told us was true he was there....wiithh...with that girl and he did run away"


"Ye!! Hyung it's true. But I really don't wanna talk about it now"

"Eunwoo go inside and first freshen up yourself we'll talk about all this later"

"Ye!! Hyung"


"You'll just let him go like that???"

"Bin you know what he's been going through. We need to understand and support him. I know none of us can see all this anymore but he's soo stubborn & firm with his decisions these days he barely listens to anyone"

"Hyung you know how much Eunwoo values you and MJ Hyung can't you too just convince him to at least visit a doctor"

"I personally have told him many times Bin but he's just making up excuses or telling me straight that he doesn't wanna visit one"

"I think we need to take along MJ Hyung in this too he's the eldest and Eunwoo can't go against his sayings"

"We can but MJ is extremely busy these days with his Jamie & Trot schedules"

"Don't worry, I'll inform Rocky & Sanha just this once to pick up MJ Hyung after his schedule for Eunwoo's matter & I'm sure he'll be able to convince him"

"But we need to fix an appointment with the doctor first!!"

"Don't worry about that I already sent Eunwoo's case file to one of the best doctors in the country!! All we need is his willingness towards it"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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