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"I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, who you are, or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together."


Aahhhh!! my head hurts

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Aahhhh!! my head hurts...and why is it still soo dark...

I looked up to the table clock that was kept beside her bed and thought that it's too early for anyone to wake up at this hour.

So, I decided to leave as soon as I could...
I mean I would never trouble her or myself for being caught just because of what happened earlier.


The moment my head went up towards the direction where the window was, I saw her sleeping peacefully on that woody desk of her!

Her hands were falling as if she was laying there numb.....with the hairs that covered almost the entire small face she had!

concluding all of these statements she just looked like a..............a...............aaahhhhhh I don't know whaatttt......>_<

She must have fallen asleep while studying but doesn't her head hurts?????

It was a crazy night plus she had to make her headrest on a desk!!!

Is this how you treat a girl, Mr. Cha.

How can I be so dumbfounded and shameless to sleep on her bed instead of letting her sleep.........uugghh:(((


Okhay!!... let us make things go right.
I slowly went towards her without letting any of my movements make even a tiny sound.

pulled her chair in my way and softly grabbed her making her swing in my arms...slowly.........slowly......

really out...don't wake her up eunwoo...ok...

You're done here Mr. Cha and now you may leave!


As soon as I was about to climb back that window I thought I heard something.

I looked up to her if what I heard came from her direction and guess what it was quite scary and surprising.

"Why do you have to do this.."

"What..what......whaat.....did you say"

"What...what...did I do that you left me and
made me turn into such a ruthless person"

" ...whoo...who the hell left
you....I was there with you the whole night.....even if I was asleep..."

"I tried every bit of what I could do....but I guess it wasn't enough for you"..she mumbled these last words before I noticed her tears that were making a way out of her eyes.. as all this happened on a regular basis!

Wwoooahhh!!...wait...Is she having a nightmare?
Did she go through some kind of misery or something?
It must have been something serious and shocking otherwise who cries in their sleep.

But her tears weren't stopping as if she was experiencing some kind of a situation or an incident in her dream...something did trigger me and reminded me that I've been through the same nights...the nights where I cry about the things I am able to control and replace.


"I grabbed her hand and buried her head inside my chest".

"I wasn't ready to see her like this anymore".

"I just wanted her to sleep peacefully and to forget what all happened even if I'm not aware of anything".

"I never wanted to see her experience the same hollowness of being alone that I'm going through till now. I wanted to protect her right just stay with her till she gets better".


And then I remembered what JinJin Hyung told me during one of those scary nights!!

He came with a small pack of banana milk bottles cause he thinks that'll make me feel a lot better and continued, "we don't get better when the weather is calm and things are all unicorns farting rainbows. We get better when things fall apart, and we pick the pieces back up"...he always says such words and phrases.

I wonder how he manages to stay this calm and positive with even the tiniest things around him.

Also, he is actually the one to spend most of his nights with me cause he knows what that sadness can make me do to myself!!


I rested my head upon hers;)))))
(*I just felt that urge to do it*)

After a while, I noticed that her tears stopped and how firmly she was breathing.

I just kept looking at her for few more seconds before...I made myself out of her bed....adjusted her side hairs...left a note that she might be coming across when she wakes up and then climbed out of her window!!


Exiting the lanes of her university I wondered if we'll get to meet again small one...cause I don't believe in breaking up my promises ;))



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