Chapter Four

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"Hey, aren't you that chick from that TV show?"

Lauren narrowed her eyes, which were currently hidden from view by the dark sunglasses she sported.

"Don't even think about it, Adrian," she warned.
"I will kill you."

Adrian grinned. "My mistake," he apologized, leaning back on his arms.

"I thought you were somebody else for a moment." He looked around at the crowds of people walking by. Washington Square Park was bursting with energy as entertainers claimed their rightful spots and began their routines.
There were acrobats and painters and singers and dancers. It seemed all of New York was out enjoying the beautiful weather.

Lauren's identity was well concealed behind larger-than-life sunglasses and a short blonde wig.
She was dressed casually in jeans and a New York Mets tee shirt.

"It's nice out here," she said, from her spot around the fountain. It felt good to be out basking in the anonymity of large crowds in a large city. So far no one had given her a second glance.

"Maybe I'll move to New York after the show's over."

Adrian's attention was elsewhere.

"And have a threesome with some elephants from outer space," Lauren continued casually.

"Huh?" Adrian glanced back. "Sorry. I was just .. um ..."

"Checking out the local white meat?"
Lauren guessed.

"It's what's for dinner," Adrian replied with a grin.

Lauren rolled her eyes though he couldn't see them. "That's gross."

"There's nothing gross about the union of a man and a woman," Adrian replied. "Or even a man and two women. Or three..."

Lauren laughed. "You can barely handle yourself, what are you gonna do with three women?"

Adrian appeared offended. "My dear, innocent girl. There are a great many things you don't know about me. I am a stud after all."

Lauren simply smiled, unable to argue. Adrian was gorgeous and he knew it. She was certain that Hollywood would snatch him up in no-time if he'd only consider acting as an option. But he was set on being a director and a screenwriter and Lauren admired his persistence. But most of all, she admired his determination of succeeding on his own. There weren't that many Hollywood hopefuls out there who, being best friends with someone with their foot already in the door, would've turned down a little help.

"I feel like buying something," she stated absently, her eyes darting around the different artists. She considered buying a necklace or something simple, but then a picture caught her eye. It was a charcoal sketch of a solitary figure standing amidst a crowd, her gaze fixed on a distant object.

"Adrian, go buy me that." She motioned with her head at the image she'd been looking at.

"Go buy it yourself," Adrian replied. "I'm not your slave."

Lauren glanced at him.


"Fine," Adrian relented. He looked in the general direction she'd motioned at.

"The one with the thing?"

Lauren laughed.

"Yeah, exactly. The one with the thing."

"Okay." Adrian headed off, mumbling something about being pussy-whipped.

Lauren watched to make sure he'd selected the correct picture. Then she arched a brow as the conversation between Adrian and the girl behind the table dragged on a few moments longer than necessary.

When he returned to his spot, he wore a bright smile on his face. "Here's your picture, your highness," he said, handing it over.

"Hitting on the artist were you?" Lauren asked, glancing down at the picture in genuine admiration. It's as if it had been drawn with her in mind.

Adrian shook his head and sat down.

"That's not the artist," he explained.

"That's the artist's friend. The artist's very cute friend who just gave me her number." He held up a business card for emphasis.

Proudly, he turned the card over to show where the girl had scribbled her digits.

"Very swift operation," Lauren told him.

"I'm impressed."

"You too could one day be this smooth," Adrian assured her. "Just stick with me."

"Hey," Lauren complained, slightly offended. "I could land a date in two seconds flat."

Adrian arched a dark brow as he regarded his best friend with a dubious look. "And when, may I ask, was the last time you got laid?"

"That," Lauren responded, rising to her feet, "is none of your business."

Adrian stood too, enjoying the fact that he was winning this argument. "That long, huh?"

Lauren began to walk away, not wanting to partake in this conversation any longer. She could find somebody to sleep with. There were plenty of people who would sleep with her. Millions of them, actually.

"There are some things more important than sex," she informed Adrian once he'd caught up to her.

"Hey, Lauren , you know I'm just teasing, right?" he asked, suddenly serious. "I know it's tough for you."

"I know." But it still bothered her. It wasn't about sex ... she didn't really care about that. It was everything else. It was finding someone who would love her for her. Not for the media attention or the money or the glamour or who she pretended to be.

Adrian sighed. "You're not going to find anyone to love if you don't let anyone get close to you."

Lauren didn't glance at him. "I let you get close to me."

He smiled. "Yes, but much to my dismay, I don't seem to be your type."

"And therein lies the rub," she replied.

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