Chapter 40

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"It's too bad Adrian wasn't able to come this time around," Ally commented from her seat beside Lauren .

Lauren responded with a noncommittal grunt and focused on the view outside of the airplane window. There were too many other things going around in her mind for her to worry about Adrian. First and foremost, there was the issue of the audition. What if they wanted her to kiss a bunch of different girls?

Ally stared at the actress with concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked gently.

"Lauren ?"

Lauren glanced over at her assistant and forced a smile. "Just don't like flying," she explained lamely and turned her gaze away.

"Are you nervous about making this movie?" Ally asked softly.

Frowning, Lauren turned back to Ally .

"What do you mean?"

"You just get really tense whenever it comes up," Ally replied, attempting to sound casual. Lauren paused, unsure of how to approach the subject.

Ally sighed. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

"I'm always ... I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Lauren assured her. "Ally, after two years you have a right to ask questions. I just don't always know the best way to answer them." She sighed.

"And yes, I'm nervous about making this movie."

Ally simply nodded and looked away.

Lauren didn't know what else to say on the subject so she remained silent.

Thoughts and worries beckoned her attention. There was more than just the movie. At the root of every insecurity and fear lay the one thing she was most concerned about: Camila. The fact that she had no idea what to do about the situation was a constant reminder of the hole she'd dug herself into.

"You know," Ally began, breaking Lauren out of her reverie, "I'm told I'm a good listener ... when I'm not talking, that is. So, if you ever want to talk about anything ... I promise not to run to the press with it. I'll sign another contract."

Lauren smiled at her assistant. "Thank you, Ally. I just might take you up on that one of these days."

Ally smiled brightly in return.

Lauren stared out of the window once more, watching the clouds in the distance. Without thinking she said, "Do you believe in fate?"

"Sometimes," Ally replied at once. "Why?"

"No reason," Lauren answered, her gaze still on the clouds beyond. "No reason at all."

"So, what is this movie about?" Sinu. Estrabao asked passing the bowl of chicken in her hand over to Camila .

Camila passed it right along to Dinah without bothering to look at the contents.

Dinah grabbed the bowl and helped herself to fried chicken. "I'm not exactly sure," she answered. "They just gave me a couple of parts to memorize so I haven't read the whole script."

Camila nodded. "We've been trying to figure it out from the clues in the dialogue but it's pretty vague." She shrugged. "But we're pretty certain it takes place sometime in the early 1900's or so."

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