Chapter 23

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Lauren was getting the sneaking suspicion that she was starting to lose her mind.

Why else would she be lying in bed, flipping absently through her endless list of channels, glancing every two seconds at the computer screen to see if Camila had signed online. This borders on obsession.

She sighed, running a frustrated hand through her dark hair. After reading Camila's email an hour prior, Lauren had convinced herself to remain online. She wasn't entirely sure why she was doing this. And she didn't want to dwell on the logic either because if she started, she'd realize that she was in fact acting like a completely obsessed lunatic.

So it was best to move on.

The TV flickered in rhythm with the button she kept pushing. It was almost enough to lull her to sleep had she not been fully awake. She glanced at the computer screen where her screen saver was now in full performance.

Annoyed, she hit a random key and was about to return to the very exciting activity of channel surfing, when she noticed that

CCabell03 had signed on.

Lauren's heart sped up for reasons she did not want to question, and she blinked a few times, momentarily at a loss. I can't talk to her. She stared at the name on the screen. So what exactly have you been waiting for?

She considered her options carefully. I could send her a message and pretend it's not me. Or I could admit I was stalking her and found her screen name. Lovely choices. Or I could turn off the computer and get on with my life.

Lauren threw her head back against the pillows behind her.

"Why do I insist on making things more complicated?" she whined. "Is my life not interesting enough??"

Sitting up, she grabbed the laptop and settled it in front of her. She continued to stare at Camila's name, half-hoping and half-fearing that it would disappear.

Lauren pondered what she could possibly say. She clicked on the name to see if Camila had a profile. She didn't. Well, then I can't very well pretend I found her that way. She opened a message box and typed in the screen name. She's going to think you're such a loser.

Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.

Lauren closed the box.

"Just send her a message and see how it goes," she told herself. "You don't have to admit who you are. And then you won't feel like a total dumbass."

Nodding, she opened the message box again. She typed in,


Deleted it. Typed in,

"Hello." Deleted it. Sighed.

Hit herself in the forehead. And typed,

"Are you busy?"

She didn't hit enter, though. What if my screen name is too obvious? Lauren rolled her eyes. "Only if she's psychic." She hesitated a moment longer and then hit enter. Maybe she won't even respond.
Lauren waited nervously, and suddenly, a message popped up. She swallowed. I am the world's biggest dork.

PoetnAngel: Are you busy?

CCabell03: Do I know you?

PoetnAngel: Do you always answer a question with a question?

CCabell03: Do you?

Lauren found herself chuckling in spite of herself.

PoetnAngel: Does it bother you?

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