Chapter 29

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Camila stared at the computer screen and sat back in the chair. She was trying to pretend she wasn't disappointed by the fact that Laura couldn't meet her online that night, but it wasn't working very well.

Prior commitment? Hmm.

It had been an extremely uneventful day. Nathan still hadn't made an appearance and he was due to leave in two days. Her parents hadn't called and she wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not. No news is good news, right? She wasn't so sure about that. Not in her family.

Dinah was at work and wouldn't be home for hours. Camila had been looking forward to an online chat with Laura all day, but apparently she'd have to fend for herself.

Dear Laura,

Rain check? Sure. Let me know when you're available next and I'll join you then. It's too bad you couldn't join me tonight. I'm really quite bored. But that's alright. I look forward to hearing all about your 'prior commitment'. If you want to talk about it, that is. Is this one of the events you had to buy a dress for? I'm sure inquisitive tonight.

Anyway, since you're not around to entertain me, I'm going to go find entertainment elsewhere. I hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend,


Camila shut down the computer and stared around the empty apartment. What to do? What to do? Visit Dinah? Nah, I already did that twice today. I really need to get a life. Um, watch TV? Nothing good on Fridays. She tapped her finger against her chin and glanced out through the double doors that led to the small balcony. It had been a while since she'd ventured out into the city. Well, not counting both times she'd walked out on Nathan. Let's take a walk.

She grabbed her sketch pad and pencil and headed out into the great unknown.


Camila hadn't lied when she'd told Lauren that she was a nature freak. She loved everything about the Earth, from the trees and flowers to the animals. Cockroaches were an exception of course, but she didn't really count them as animals. They were more like pesky little ... Well...

Anyway, one of Camila's favorite hang outs was Central Park. Whenever she had time, she would take residence in one of the many benches scattered about the place and sketch away. It was also a good place to take pictures, but that night she'd forgotten her camera so she'd just have to capture the moments by hand.

Several hours later, she found herself in Bethesda Terrace, overlooking the Lake and wooded shores of the Ramble. On her sketchpad was a rough outline of Emma Stebbins' sculpture, Angel of Waters. The metal piece featured an angel hovering in the air and descending onto the troubled waters of the fountain in the hopes of bestowing the gift of healing.

Poet and Angel, Camila thought, sketching the wings of the angel on the pad. Maybe she likes angels. I wonder if she came here while she was in New York.

Why was she in New York, anyway? Camila sighed, looking up and over the railings of the terrace. Below, tourists snapped away at the Fountain, the flashes from the cameras bathing the sculpture in ethereal light. Why do I feel like I know nothing about you?

Camila tucked the sketchpad under her arm and made her way down the grand staircase. She traced her fingers along the sandstone panels on her way down. It was such a peaceful place, in spite of all the tourist activity. Several people on Roller blades zoomed by her, nearly knocking her off-balance. Jesus! She froze in place as the stampede passed by, then continued on her way.

A sudden noise caught her attention and she turned in time to watch a guy tumbling to the ground. "Oh, fuck!" he mumbled as he landed with a large thump.

Camila blinked a few times then jogged over to the fallen man. "Are you okay?" she asked. She noted he wore Roller blades as well and guessed he was part of the pack that had just recently passed by.

The guy glanced up, blue eyes looking a bit dazed. "Yeah, I must have hit a rock or something," he explained, pushing himself up into a sitting position.

Camila noticed the large scrap on the side of his arm and kneeled down to inspect it, placing the notebook she carried on the ground beside her. "You should probably get that checked," she told him. It was bleeding pretty badly and she didn't want him to get an infection. "I can help you get to a hospital if you want."

A brow inched upward as soft blue eyes contemplated her suggestion for a moment. "Are you usually this nice to strangers?" he asked, looking at his own scrape for a moment. He flinched as he saw the magnitude of the cut.

Camila smiled and did a quick survey. It appeared his left arm had broken his fall.

There didn't appear to be any more major scratches anywhere. "Just the ones that decide to bleed in my presence," she responded.

Satisfied that the guy was going to live, she sat back a few inches. It felt a bit awkward sitting so close to a complete stranger. There was no denying that the guy was extremely handsome, but that didn't mean he wasn't a serial killer. Dinah would probably be drooling all over this guy. She paused to consider that thought for a moment. So why am I not drooling? Should I be? Isn't that what single girls do? She decided that train of thought was far too laden to deal with at the present moment.

"That's a nice sketch," the guy commented, turning his head so he could get a better view of it.

Suddenly self-conscious, Camila blushed slightly and shrugged. "I was just wasting time," she said. "But thank you." She glanced at the sculpture a few yards away. "It's beautiful, don't you think? I doubt I could do it justice."

"Is that what people usually do in New York?" he asked. "Waste time?" Camila grinned. "I suppose," she answered. "I take it you're a tourist?"

He shrugged broad shoulders. "I wouldn't call myself a tourist," he said. Camila nodded. "Here on business?" she guessed

"You could say that," he responded with a slight grin. "I should probably go wash this off." He motioned to his arm as if it wasn't already obvious and pulled himself to his feet, balancing on the blades with ease.

Camila grabbed her sketchbook and rose as well, looking up at him. "You sure you don't want to go to a hospital or something?

"Nah," he responded easily. "My hotel is ..." He waved his hand in the general direction behind him. "Over there somewhere."

Camila smiled. "Well, alright, if you're sure," she said. "Watch out for those pesky rocks."

"You bet." He flashed her a bright smile and with a quick wave skated away.

Camila watched him disappear into the darkness and turned her attention back to the Fountain. She held up the drawing up next to the actual statue and compared. Not bad. She closed the pad and sighed, glancing quickly at the time. Dinah should be home by now.

She glanced up at the sculpture for a few more minutes and then headed back toward home.

The Blindside of Love (Camren) Altern Versión Where stories live. Discover now