Chapter 22

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Camila faced her reflection in her parents' bedroom mirror. Much to her utter dismay, the fateful night had come. And so there she was, with her hair up in an elegant French twist, her face all made-up, her feet properly clad, and most importantly, her body in the perfect dress.

"Nathan's here!" Carlos called from outside the door.

"Be right there!" Camila  called back. She sighed at her reflection. Just get it over with. It's just a few hours. You'll dance, you'll eat, and you'll go home. No problem. Not feeling any better, she headed out to the living room.

Nathan's jaw dropped. "Whoa," was all he managed.

Camila forced a smile and turned to her mother for approval. Sinu was smiling proudly.

"My baby's all grown up."
Carlos was staring at her critically. "That's all you're wearing?" he asked. "Does it come with a jacket?"

Sinu slapped his arm. "She looks beautiful." She motioned for Nathan to stand beside Camila . "Now stay right there until I get the camera." She retreated to the bedroom.

Camila stood there awkwardly. Her feet were already killing her and she'd only walked two steps. I'm so going to regret this in the morning. She felt Nathan's warm breath on her ear.

"You look incredible," he whispered.

"Thanks," she answered. She glanced at the tuxedo he was wearing. It looked exactly the same as the one he'd worn to her prom. Guys were so lucky.

"You don't look so shabby yourself."

Nathan grinned. "I'm going to be the envy of every guy there," he informed her. "And you the envy of every girl." He winked.

She smiled. Could you be any more full of yourself?

Sinu returned with the camera a moment later, grinning widely. She handed it to Carlos.

"Let's get a few shots of you together, and then some of Camila by herself."

Carlos stood in front of them, aiming the lens of the camera in their direction.

"Smile," he instructed.

Camila acquiesced to her step-father's wishes if only to move the evening along. Beside her, Nathan displayed his own pearly whites, and a moment later, they were both blinded by a bright flash.

And another.

They got one of Nathan pinning the corsage to Camila's dress. And one of Nathan with his arm around Camila's waist. Then Carlos took a few of Camila by herself. A few of Camila with her mother. And finally, Sinu snapped a shot of Camila and Carlos together.

Camila had the unsettling feeling that these new pictures would replace the ones of Harry and a sense of melancholy and sadness fell over her spirit.

"We better get going," Nathan announced.

"The limo's waiting."

Carlos and Sinu walked them both to the door and watched them from the doorway until they disappeared into the elevator.

"You should wear stuff like that more often," Nathan commented, running a hand through his hair as he watched the numbers atop the elevator doors.

"Sometimes I forget how hot you are."


"Thanks." Camila avoided rolling her eyes somehow. Don't be a bitch, Camila . He's just trying to be nice. It's not his fault he's not good with words. She nodded slightly at the thought. He's going to be a lawyer not a poet. Camila suddenly found herself wondering what Laura would've said in a similar situation. Certainly not that.

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