Chapter 71

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Camila had been awake when Lauren left the bed that morning. She had listened to every movement and every sound, until the door had opened, and quietly closed.

She had listened to the receding footsteps down the stairs, until finally, she felt it safe enough to open her eyes.

She glanced around the strange bedroom, not yet used to the surroundings, and tried to pin down her emotions. As she gazed around, seeing but not registering, she wondered what had led to that moment. One second she had been spying from the shadows, too shy to approach the actress, and the next, she was knocking on Lauren's door, she was admitting things she'd never thought she'd say, she was swept up and away from rational thought.

If Camila had been thinking clearly, she would had paused at the bottom of the stairs, stared up at Lauren's bedroom door, and then continued on to the guestroom. She would have gone to bed, wondering about what Lauren had said. She would have invented, and reinvented a plethora of what-if scenarios that would have culminated with a kiss. But it would have been okay, because it wouldn't have been real. There are no consequences to idle fantasies.

Instead, she had lived out her thoughts. She had stepped up to the brink of possibility and jumped, head first without further thought. She had given herself up to the moment, to the tension and elation and excitement, pushing away the confusion and uncertainty and fear. And now what? Now that everything was out in the open, now that she knew exactly how Lauren's lips felt against her own, what was she going to do?

Everything had changed. She could feel it from the second she'd drifted back to consciousness. She had felt it in the second before they'd kissed, a shift, subtle, yet unquestionable. The entire framework of their friendship had been frantically altered by a simple declaration of love. There was no going back from that moment; no way to return to not-knowing.

Camila closed her eyes at the memory of Lauren's kiss. In that moment, she had lost every inhibition, every worry, every doubt. She had wanted to give everything of herself to Lauren , to rip open the fabric of her previously meaningless existence and pour its contents into Lauren's world.

She had wanted to make Lauren see, to feel, the depth of her emotions. It had felt like dying and being reborn again, her entire body reeling from the shocks of pleasure coursing through her. It had been overwhelming, perfect, and terrifying; and she had wanted more.

And then everything changed.

They had stopped for half a second, a miniscule fraction of time, but long enough to bring reality crashing down around them.

What had happened? What had they just done?

Camila rolled over on the bed, and wiped her eyes, feeling completely overcome. It was one thing to admit she had feelings for Lauren , it was another to act upon those feelings. And now that she knew Lauren felt the same way, what did it mean? What would they do?

The sound of the doorbell interrupted Camila ' thoughts, and her attention shifted to the sound of undecipherable voices. She could almost make out Lauren's , but couldn't hear what she was saying.

Camila wondered who else was downstairs. She was fairly certain she'd heard a male voice. And maybe another female's, she wasn't sure. She also wondered how long she could hide out in Lauren's bedroom before it became obvious that she was hiding.

After thinking it over for several minutes, she finally decided she really needed to get up. She blamed her bladder, and the fact that she couldn't avoid Lauren forever.

But maybe she'd wait a few more minutes.

"I brought you a copy of Red Like Me," Adrian announced, holding up the tape.

The Blindside of Love (Camren) Altern Versión Where stories live. Discover now