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    I wake up with a headache. Great. I hear voices from downstairs and am greeted by a familiar face. Cheryl fucking Blossom. Just what I need on a Monday morning. I rub my eyes and walk away into the kitchen. Some girl is with her, I wonder who she is. I hear the clicking of her heels on the floor and I immediately am aware of her presence in the room.
    "Here." She says, shoving a cup of coffee at me."
    "Thanks," I say. "Don't you hate me?"
    "I promised Betty I wouldn't be a bitch. Don't test me, Jones."
    I shake off her comment. "So, who's the chick?"
    "My fiance, Toni."
    "Wow, when my dad said you were engaged to Toni I pictured a buff Italian guy."
    "Yeah, not exactly a stick shift kind of gal, if you know what I mean."
    "Listen, Cheryl, I'm going to be apologizing for what I did for the rest of my life. I may not really remember it, but I'm sorry for how I was back then."
    Cheryl shrugged. "I'm really not the one you should be apologizing to."
    "I already apologized to Betty."
    "No, Archie. He's the one who asked you to be nice to Betty because he liked her and didn't want her to go away."
    "Yeah, then you called Betty a desperate waste of time and we never saw her at school again, except the one time she picked up Polly and you shoved her trying to reach your precious Veronica."
    "I had no idea."
    "Of course you didn't, because she meant nothing to you. Now because she has boobs, a butt and some curves you want her. How shallow are you?"
    "I just...dont remember much from back then."
    "Well, I still kind of hate your guts, Bee and Vee have seemed to forgiven you but Archie hadn't been the same. I'm sure you've been filled in on what happened with him."
    I sigh. "Yeah, does he come around anymore?"
    "I'll make sure to apologize to him too."
    "You better, otherwise I think everyone will be pissed."
    "I can't believe I was such a dick."
    Cheryl nodded. "But you were, as much as I hate to admit it, an amazing friend prior to that."
    "I've missed you, Cher. So much. You were my best friend, and because of my dumb ass you were gone."
    "It was high school, I'm sure I'll forgive you eventually. I've gotta go, but come meet Toni." I smile and nod. "What are you doing for school now?"
    "I'm doing it online until I can get back, but my teachers recommend I just transfer her for the last semester."
     "Yeah, Veronica got to skip the last year because she was so prepared and blah blah blah." Cheryl rolls her eyes. "I still love her to death, but that's bullshit."
    We reach the front door and a beautiful dark-skinned girl with long purple hair. "Hi, I'm Toni Topaz." She says, shaking my hand.
    I smile, "Jughead, Jones."
    "It was a pleasure to meet you. Cheryl, we have to go, class starts soon."
    And with that, they left.

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