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    Betty went out with Veronica to do baby shopping, so I'm home alone. I pet Hershey when there's a knock on the door. I open it to reveal Ethel Muggs.

Betty's POV

    I grab a onsey and hold it up to Veronica's small baby bump. She smiles at the pizza pattern and throws it into the cart. After paying for her items Veronica and I head back to my apartment. I walk in and immediately something is off. I walk into the living room and hear sobs. Jughead is sitting on the couch, weeping into his hands. Veronica excuses herself and leaves the apartment. I sit next to Jughead and attempt to hug him. He pushes me away and lifts his face from his palms.
    "Betty, I'm sorry."
    "Juggie...what's wrong? What happened?"
    "Ethel came over earlier and we got to talking. I didn't mean for..."
    I stand up and back away from him. "No."
    "Betty, I'm sorry."
    "I don't, I don't understand."
    "I don't either. But I don't want to lose you, or lie to you."
    "How could you do this to me? Why did I ever do to deserve this?"
    "You didn't do anything, Betty. It just happened and I will never stop regretting it. Please, please don't leave me."
    "I...I need to get out of here." I say, refusing to shed one more tear over Jughead. I lift Hershey into my arms and walk across the hall to Archies apartment. I break down in tears, not able to hold them back anymore. Archie runs to me and embraces me.
    "Betty, what happened?" He asks, worriedly.
    "Jughead ch-cheated on me."
    "Fuck, you've only been married for three days." Archie says. "Come on."
    He pulls me down the hall to Cheryl and Tonis, where Veronica and Sweetpea were visiting and told them what happened.
    "Guys, please don't do anything, he already feels bad enough."
    "No, he doesn't. He made you cry because he couldn't wait a couple of hours to get laid. He can go fuck himself. That's what he can do." Veronica yelled.
    "Ronnie, you're freaking out and it's not good for the baby. Just take deep breaths." Sweet pea says.

Veronica's POV

   I nudge Sweetpea off and storm down the hallway to Betty and Jughead's apartment where jughead was still crying. Bitch.
    "Stop." I say with tears streaking my face. Tears of anger. Tears of sadness. Tears for Betty.
    "Ronnie, please forgive me." He begs.
    "I might, one day. Maybe even tomorrow. But you have forever damaged Betty's self-confidence once again that took years to rebuild. Why would you sleep with Muggs? Why?"
    "I didn't sleep with her, we just made out. I feel so bad. I kicked her out afterwards."
    "Ooh, you should get an award." I roll my eyes. "Fuck you. Fuck you for what you're putting Betty through. What you're putting-nevermind. You fucked up, Jughead. I don't know if you can get out of this one, so good luck."

Jugheads POV

    Veronica spins around, storming down the hall. I follow her to where Betty sits with everyone else. The room goes silent and everybody glares at me.
    "Betty, can we please talk?" I ask.
    "I really don't want to talk about this right now, Jughead."
    She sighs and follows me back to our apartment with Hershey still in her arms. We get to the apartment and she sits silently on the couch.
    "First off, I would like to say that Ethel and I didn't sleep together, we just made out. It was a mistake and it will never happen again."
    "How can I believe that?"
    "You'll just have to trust me."
    "Jughead, I can never trust you again. You kissed another woman. You cheated on me. I'm not your girlfriend, Jug. I'm your wife. Was that just a mistake?"
    "No, Betty. I love you. I live you more than I have ever loved anybody in my entire life."
    "Juggie, I just can't stay with you after this. It doesn't matter how far you two went. You wanted someone else and you took her. You were selfish."
    "Betty, please. I need you. I love you. I want to have babies with you and act like dumb kids and play stupid games. I want to stay up all night watching movies and eating junk food even though we're adults. I want a life with you. Please, just give me a second chance."
    "I've already given you one, remember."
    "Betty, baby."
    "Don't call me baby. You are the worst kind of human being. You never stop hurting me. You just keep treating me like shit over and over again. It's like you're trying to hurt me."
    "Betty, I don't mean for these things to happen."
    "Well then maybe that's the problem. Maybe I need to be with someone who knows what they're doing."
    "Please, I just, I didn't mean for it to happen."
    "If it was a mistake, it would have never happened. You're a grown man, Jughead. You should know better."
    "Betty, please, just give me one last chance."
    "No, if I give you a chance you'll just hide things from me. I don't want to be with you anymore. I want a divorce, Jughead."
    I want a divorce. Those words rattle my brain.
    "Betty, please. I'm begging you. I didn't hide this from you. I told you right away. I plan to always tell you everything that happens as soon as it does. No matter how important it is."
    "Jughead I deserve better than that. I deserve better than coming home one day and finding out that you made out with someone because I was gone and they were there."
    "Betty, I kicked her out after. I pushed her away."
    "That's not good enough."
    Suddenly all of the pieces fit together. Baby clothes shopping. Not drinking at the wedding. Veronica's weird behaviour. Betty wanting to protect herself from one mistake.
    "You're pregnant, aren't you?"
    "Oh, come on. Aren't you?"
    "No, what are you talking about?"
    "Please, you weren't drinking at the wedding, you were super excited about baby clothes shopping, Veronica was acting super weird about people I was hurting and now you're trying to push me away because of one small mistake."
    "Okay, first of all, I drank at our wedding. Second, Veronica is my best friend, she's also weird as fuck and third I just down want to make a mistake. It's better to learn these things early on, right?"
    " aren't pregnant."
    "No, I'm on birth control."
    "Please, Betty. Please. Just one more chance. I will do my best to support you and live you and give you babies. I will never touch another woman or kiss one. I just want you and only you for the rest of my life."
    "Okay, fine." She sighs.

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