Threats, Truces, and Promises

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"Tell me, Alyssa, why should I or Hamish, for that matter, care for Vera and her internal business with the council?"

The history professor, for once, was grading papers and he was happy with it. Normality in his life once again, one that he enjoyed very much. He laughed to himself, Belgrave seemed like a normal enough placed on the outside looking in but he was certainly taking for a ride in the last month.

"Her leadership is being questioned, Xander. She needs help, though she won't ask for it, the wolves need to be brought into the fold and she is promising Melissa's head on a platter for that to happen..."

Perking up, a twinkle in his eyes and a small hum escaped him, he continued to grade but the hum allowed Alyssa to know she had gained his attention. Like a hungry lion, she struck, she was not going to allow this moment to pass her up. 

"For this to happen, Hamish and Randall will have to...sign their names on a magically binding contract. Officially becoming a secret society under the order, the entirety of it, not just the Belgrave Chapter. To be called upon, like vassals, if you will."

Alyssa knew that was treading a line, one that the wolves would not like already. They had just been forced to bury one of their own, to be next to magic and called upon like hounds were not something they would want and she could tell by his posture, Xander was feeling that she was nervous about this all.

"Alyssa, Hamish will not want that. Even, I, do not want that. Being tributaries to The Order or Vassals is not something the wolves wish for, they are asking for the removal of Melissa Ramirez. That is all, she can be questioned and sentenced but the wolves wish to strike the killing blow, anything after that, is negotiable."

He cleared his throat, looking up at Alyssa with a bitter smile. It was the truth of the matter, Vera and her problems were not his duty to deal with, no matter how much he wished to help her. He was bound to the wolves and their problems were one of the same as his own, he had a duty right now. 

"I understand, I will tell her of the news...thank you for hearing me out though Professor..."

Before she left though, Alyssa hung back and he could feel why. The sadness in regards to her friend being exiled and her memory erased was potent. He sent her a sad smile, she stood there for a moment before her lips moved of their own accord. 

"How is she, Professor? Dealing and everything?"

Xander gave her a soft smile, aside from the daily life of being a witch in the order, she was still a friend and she wanted to make sure that one of the best people she knew was living well, was feeling safe without her. Though Xander tried to encourage the young witch to go talk with her, she could still have a friendship with her.

"She's....different I could but she's doing fine, I've kept my eye on her and I assure you, nothing bad will happen to her."

Alyssa smiled, still feeling a bit bad for what had to happen before she nodded, leaving the history professor to his grading. 

Humming for a moment to himself, Xander knew that he could have done something for Vera. He could have gotten Hamish to adjust their stance, a temporary truce of sorts but it would have been under great reluctance from the wolves. 

For now, he bought her time, she would have to weigh her options because the wolves would not stand by while the death of their own was not answered. Hamish had a ruthless cunning about him nowadays, he would find a way to enact his revenge, even without him knowing and that is what Xander wished to stop. 


Antonio bowed his head, reading over the reports he was given as Vera sat opposite him. He could tell, she felt like she had been insulted and to be honest, he did not wish to be here either. Being sent on a mission to the Belgrave Chapter was something he hardly wished but for now, he was here and he followed his orders, even if he did not like them. 

"She wanted revenge, which soon turned into a crusade...she entered the minds and then manipulated order members over to her side. Interesting, she must have been very powerful, I wish to speak with her..."

Vera placed a smile on her lips, of course, she had omitted the involvement of the Seer. Something that Antonio would know within moments if he spoke with the captive. Yet she knew, denying that oh so important fact would place her under scrutiny. 

Vera braved a straight face, giving way to the fact that he now wished to question her captive, not something that Adepti did and now she wondered what Edward and the gnostic council were hoping to prove. 

"First, you arrive unannounced and now you wish to speak with my captive. Something tells me that you would ask to lead the trial next, tell me, Antonio, I've known you a while now. What has Edward and the council sent you here for?"

Arching his eyebrow, Antonio gave her the briefest of looks that would have seemed a bit disrespectful not given her position but she decided to brush it off for now.

"Your position is being called into question, for weeks now, members of the gnostic council have brought your leadership. Kepler is one of them, she has never really been a supporter of you and right now, Edward is the one that called me here...of course, I don't like this."

Raising her own brow back in response, she found herself smiling for a moment. Maybe she could take this chance to get him to see differently, allow him to read over the full report, which would take a few days. 

"Give me a few days Antonio, a favour and then you can question Melissa Ramirez. I need to bring the wolves into the fold and if I don't, who knows if they begin an assault on this chapter itself? Will you allow that? I promise you this, you will question Melissa once I deal with the wolves."

Antonio gave her a soft smile, nodding his head as he stood from his seat, taking the report with him. 

Vera placed a hand against her forehead. She knew that these next few days would have to crucial but it seemed like fate just wished to play this game with her. Five minutes later, Alyssa stepped through and it seemed her plan did not go the way she wished. 

"The wolves are intending to stay out of the business with the council. Once the questions have been asked, they wish to strike the killing blow, anything after that is negotiable. Words from Xander himself, do you want me to try again?"

Vera shook her head, she would do so herself. She looked at Alyssa with a stiff smile one they could all see in that little moment. 

"Give him a message, I'll meet him at the blade and chalice, it's time for me and the seer to have our little meeting."

Nodding, Alyssa went on her way as Vera thought back to the moment the two shared...

She felt something, she did not want to feel it...she didn't need to rely on someone but if it had to be anyone, she was glad for it being the seer. Xander had paused, had given her a moment in that very chamber before making sure she was safe, he made her feel...better. Something she had not felt in a while now, all the regret and suffering she had been through, was it her time to be happy?

Maybe she could face the threats from the council with him by her side...maybe.

HISTORY - The Order - Vera StoneWhere stories live. Discover now