Chapter 3 - Halloween

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Voldemort's POV:

It was tonight, the night I had to kill two infants.
You see I didn't want to kill them as it's magic blood being spilt but I had to, to ensure I could carry on with my goals.

No, my goals were not to murder every mudblood and muggle but to section the two worlds off.
I wanted the mudbloods to go through customary classes before attending Hogwarts so they know the magic traditions like Yule. But no instead we have been influenced by them to change our own traditions like Samhain to Halloween and the Purebloods and even some halfbloods don't want that. They want to continue with Wizarding traditions.

"Excuse me mister! Nice costume!" I sneered the young boy of about 6 and continued on my way. Even though I didn't want to kill all the muggles and mudbloods, like the old Coot said doesn't mean I like snotty/bratty little children.


I opened the gate to the potter cottage after Peter, their secret keeper sold them out. As I went through I felt some wards go off. Not that I cared I was only to be here for a few minutes.


Again I sneered as the blood-traitor pureblood that was James Potter shouted for his wife to take the brats upstairs. As if they could get away.


"Potter, that's Lord Voldemort to you."

"Then that's Lord Potter to you Voldy." The arrogance astounded me. Severus wasn't kidding when he said the man was awful. I threw a stunner at him and continued on my way. It would look odd if I killed a pureblood but not the red headed mudbloods. Contrary to popular beliefs I do listen to my inner circle. And one of my most trusted - Severus Tobias Snape begged me to spare Lily his childhood best friend and long time love ( it was one sided).

Hadrians POV:

When the man that looked like a snake with slits for a nose and blood red eyes I wasn't scared. Rather instead I was intrigued. Mama always said I was too curious for my own good.

When dads shouted for us to run I was confused. Where did he expect us to go? To the moon?

I know that mama and all the other adults can do this weird tel-tele-teleport thingy (an: he's one ok?!) but the man probably stopped us from doing it.

When we got to mine and Evans room mama put us in our cots. And started putting furniture against the door but it was in vain as seconds later the door was blown to pieces and a high pitch laugh filled the room.

The explosion knocked mama out on impact and caused Evan to cry. Now I was scared because mama wasn't waking up but I refused to cry. I never cried I fact ever since I was born I've only cried around 6 times.

Voldy's POV:

As I entered the room I was expecting it all to be Gryffindor themed but it was only on one side.
The other was actually Slytherin themed.

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