Chapter 6 - Potions

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Hadrians POV:

Me and my friends, Draco, Pansy, Daphne, Blaise, Theo and some other Slytherins were waiting outside the potions classroom in the dungeon. None of the Gryffindors were here yet except the bushy haired mudblood.

The know it all. I sneered.


I turned to look at the source of the noise, thinking it was Professor Snape opening the door. I was wrong. Very wrong. In actual fact it was the wonder boy. Evan Potter and his cronies Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbottom. Although Neville really looked like he'd rather be anywhere else, which amused me.

Yes anyway back to what the noise was, it was Evan falling flat on his face after trying to kiss PANSY...not only is she DRACO MALFOYs betrothed but he also called her a pug...

Yeah he got smacked pretty hard by her. And he's lucky it was only her and not Dray because I'm sure Dray would have sent him to the infirmary for a month.


"BLOODY BITCH! HOW DARE YOU SMACK ME. IM THE BOY WHO LIVED!" Evan roared, with a bright red face.

I winced.

Drays going to murder him. Like right now...

Yep a split second later Dray was pounding his firsts in the boy who lived to annoy me's face. Evan didn't stand a change compared to Draco who's very tall and pretty muscular. Whilst he was short and fat. Rather like a beach ball really.

"MR POTTER! MR MALFOY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Came a booming voice.

Everyone's heads snapped up at the noise. It was Snape. A very angry one. He came storming over to the two boys, ripped them apart and stating really ripping into them asking who started it. Even though we all knew Draco would get away Scott free..well maybe 10 points taken but that's it but Evan would get 50 points taken and detention with him for 2 weeks...and that's exactly how it went.

———-line break———————

As we sat down in the potions 4th year class, I sat in between Draco and Theo. We were brewing today.
We were brewing a calming draught. Simple enough.
We were brewing without partners this time.

After adding in all the ingredient it was time to stir anti-clockwise for 3 minutes. After that mine went the perfect lilac colour (AN:I have no idea what colour it's meant to be) so I bottled it up and labelled it with the potions name and my own.

I went over to Snapes desk at the front of the class and put down my potion. He looked it over and said, "perfect potion Mr Peverell."

"Just Hadrian, sir."

I nodded and went back to my desk to clean up my work station. But then there was a massive explosion. Evan had somehow made a calming draught explode.

"IDIOT BOY!" Snape practically spat.
"Weasley take him to the infirmary now."

Then her proceeded to vanish the contents of the potion...therefore failing his attempt.


After that disastrous lesson it was lunch time in the great hall. I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Goyle and Blaise.

"That lesson was hilarious wasn't it Hades!" Blaise exclaimed.
"It was particularly humorous, i suppose." I replied.

"Posh boy." He groaned.

"I am not posh I merely am better spoken than the mudbloods." I spoke with an air of superiority.

This just made them giggle.

"Careful other will pick up on your bad habits." Theo joked.

I gave him an unimpressed look and said, "I do not have bad habits merely things others do not appreciate."

This set practically the entire table off...which in turn  shocked everyone in the fact that Slytherin had broken their masks and laughed.

"Anyway earlier when you were walking out of the lesson I heard you singing something...what was it?" Blaise asked.

" best idea to date."

"Sing it!"

"Ok ok fine."

AN: This song is not mine it's off another story. I can't remember the name but feel free to comment if you do.


It was absolutely silent all around and then suddenly Draco, the Draco MALFOY began laughing hysterically. Followed closely by Theo and Blaise, who were then followed by Pansy, Daphne, Crabbe, Goyle and then eventually the entirety of Slytherin.

This then went over to the Ravenclaw table who also all began to laugh hysterically. Then the Weasley twins stood on Gryffindor table and started saying in a ridiculously dramatic way, "oh well done! That was beautiful just beautiful. I've got tears in my eyes Hadrian!"

Which set the rest of the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors off.

"SILENCE!" The old goat roared at the top of his lungs. Causing everyone to stop laughing and look at him. As I looked up there I noticed the teachers bright red faces where they had to strain to stop themselves from laughing out loud. Even McGonagall and Snape were trying not to laugh. Some of them failed miserably and were laughing slightly, like Flitwick and Sprout. But some were just downright killing themselves laugh with their heads on the table trying to suppress it but failing as their shoulders were shaking with laughter. I.E Sirius and Moony.

The only ones who looked angry were the old coot himself and James Potter.

Lily seemed to be hiding a smile but her cheeks were pink from it.

"Mr Peverell that will be a detention with Professor Snape for a week and 20 points from Slytherin. I honestly didn't care as everyone knew I would just get the points back easily. And it was with Snape. He would just have me brew a potion with him probably.

"Yes sir." I replied in a voice laced in sarcasm and amusement.

End of chapter


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