Chapter 11 - Third task

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Hadrians POV:

A fucking Hedge. We had to sit and watching a fucking HEDGE FOR AN HOUR. It was a maze that the four had to complete, battling agains dangerous creatures, guessing riddles and even each other if one was to stun a fellow champion. It's not against the rules.

They all ran in one by one, staring with Victor and ending with Evan who looked ready to piss himself. Whilst the other three looked confident. Fleur did look slightly uneasy but that was to be expected.


Well I don't want to bore you so I will just tell you what We did quickly. We sat and watched the hedge. Fun right? Nope. Lots of people ended up either leaving or doing homework or reading.

Eventually though after about 49 minutes Victor emerged with the cup! Thunderous claps and roses went all around the arena.

"GO VICTOR!" I screamed over the top of everyone with a massive grin on my face.

He looked up having heard me and laughed.


———— after lots of partying

It was now the end of the year I got all O's in my tests and was top of the year. I'd pranked everyone numerous amounts of time. But in the end I decided that school wasn't for me. So I thought I would take my owls and newts at the ministry. Getting all O's so I could get any job.

I went into the wisengamot with Marvolo. We practically ran it as we both had many seats with the founders lordships. We also had the Blacks seat from Siri when he joined. And obviously all the dark orientated houses. Like the Malfoys.

We eventually managed to get rid of the restrictions on dark creature like werewolves not being able to get jobs. Now they could all get jobs easily with no criticism.

At 17 I decided to go into Auror training and became a junior one. But after two years when I was 19 Kingsley became the minister of magic. He was a fair one and made me head Auror!

I held records for the most 'dark' wizards caught. Obviously we didn't catch Death Eaters anymore as technically they didn't exist with this being a political only war which we won. So instead we caught people who murderer without reason, thieves, rapists and other petty criminals.

But of course there was always one person who couldn't back down and that was Albus too many names Dumbledore. He was adamant that Marvolo was Voldemort. Obviously everyone knew Marvolo used to be Voldemort as he was lord slytherin but he explained how he didn't go round killing people mercilessly. Only those who deserved it. He got lots of fines and had to swear many oaths but eventually people realised he was truthful.

But of course Albus had to go around saying he would try and kill the boy who lived. But everyone just smirked. It was finally time to reveal what really happened 18 years ago to those two 1 year old boys.

And that will be in the next chapter! The final one.
I don't think I've ever actually read a story we're Voldemort reveals it was actually the other twin or sibling. So I'm going to do it to mine.


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